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Working with fingerprints
What do the digital fingerprint parameters mean in Dolphin {anty}
What do the digital fingerprint parameters mean in Dolphin {anty}
Updated over a week ago

Many users need to spoof their fingerprint, a set of data about their device, browser, and connection, in order to work online. As an example Dolphin{anty} we will tell you what data can be spoofed by anti-detect browsers, what they mean and why they are needed.

What parameters are substituted Dolphin{anty}

The Dolphin{anty} anti-detect browser spoofs over 20 parameters of your device and browser. These include:

  • OS

  • Useragent

  • Canvas

  • WebRTC

  • WebGL

  • Time zone

  • Language

  • Geolocation

  • CPU

  • Memory

  • MAC address

  • DeviceName

  • Screen

  • Media devices

  • Ports

  • IP-address

Весь список отпечатков браузера

Why tamper with digital prints at all

Print swapping may be required for different tasks:

  • Anonymity online. For example, to protect their data from systems that collect user data to identify them later.

    Imitation of a normal user's data. It is important not to confuse anonymity with imitation. In the first case, the program hides your real data. In the second case, it is just impersonating your real data, so that you won't stand out among millions of ordinary users and won't attract the attention of antifraud systems. To do that, the fingerprint must be similar to other fingerprints, not unique. It is the latter task that is more difficult.

    Simultaneous work with dozens of accounts on one site. For example, for betting, working with social networks, running ads, etc.

    Visiting blocked resources.

    Testing interfaces. For example, if you need to test the work of the site in different countries.

What the different parameters of a fingerprint mean 🤔

Each of the parameters has an important role in shaping the overall browser and system fingerprint. Let's consider each of them.


The choice of operating system is very important, since it is undesirable to work with another OS that is different from yours. Each platform has its own fonts. And through Canvas you can determine the platform, which is affected by: fonts, drivers, hardware. This is not safe for all sites; there are sites that do not look at this, but look at the version that we issue.


Useragent - identifier of the client application, generated based on the selected system for the profile you create. In the user agent you can find information about the operating system, its version and browser version. We do not recommend using useragents that are taken from account sellers, use those useragents generated by Dolphin {Anty}.

Useragent is a program element of the browser. If you use more than one browser from the same device, each browser's useragent will be slightly different.

Useragent is used to:

  • Correctly show you the data of a specific resource.

  • Learn your device and browser information to identify you online.

ℹ️Important!!! The last few versions of the UA browser have become smaller and smaller. Now UA differs extremely rarely. For the current kernel version, we have one UA per operating system. We offer these UA to Dolphin Anty users because they are collected from tens of thousands of real users. This update was issued by the creators of Chrome, not our developers. Don't forget that in addition to UA, you also have a large list of substitutions in our browser. With their help, you form a profile imprint. Is it possible to use old user agents? If you do this, then the site can check whether there are any features that correspond to the version of Chrome used; when checking, it can understand that the SA does not correspond to the kernel version and this will betray the user. The same applies to user agents from Microsoft Edge, Opera or Yandex browser. It is recommended to use our user agent. Changing the kernel may cause cache incompatibility.

IP address

This is one of the basic parameters that even the simplest antifraud systems analyze. It is used by antifraud systems to get information about your location and ISP in order to exchange data between the device and the servers. To change your IP address and be as similar to a regular user as possible, use quality proxy.

All popular anti-detect browsers are compatible with any kind of proxy. For example, this is what the Dolphin{anty} proxy window looks like.



Canvas is an HTML5 API, a technology that draws 2D graphics and animations onto a web page. The default setting is "Real", as this is the most correct value for websites. In Canvas, it is also created based on the Windows series + video card, their values can be the same for many users, up to 40 models they can be the same.
In mode:

  • Off - completely disables this technology, be careful with this setting.

  • Noise - when the site tries to get information about Kanvas hash, Dolphin {Anty} generates noise value of this parameter, which is as close to the real one as possible, but it is not and passes it to the site. Noise on Kanvas essentially makes you unique, and the checker thinks it's weird (recognizes it on some checkers). Convenient for working with different profiles, because on 1 browser profile creates the same noise value and is assigned to it.

Canvas is an HTML5 element that creates and defines an area for creating an image. Literally it translates to "canvas". This element is used to display various diagrams, animations, games, graphics, etc. Canvas is not a unique parameter and can be repeated among users. Therefore, if you need to mimic a regular user's fingerprint, as a rule, browser developers recommend not changing this parameter.



This is a special plugin that supports video and audio streaming on a web page. To speed things up, this plugin gives web resources access to your media devices. For example, your headphones and camera. Your real IP address can be shown through this option, even if you use a proxy.

In Dolphin{anty} you can choose one of the following options: disable WebRTC, swap, show real, or configure manually. WebRTC technology is designed so that traffic goes directly; the technology goes through web proxying.

By default, the "Altered" option automatically substitutes the ip address value for the external ip address of the proxy or your connection. Value:

  • Off - completely disables this technology, be careful with this setting.

  • Real - ignores the proxy and uses the IP address of your external connection.

  • Manual - allows you to specify the WebRTC IP you want.


This is a JavaScript web library that lets you connect to a video card to create 2D and 3D graphics. WebGL works in conjunction with Canvas.

In addition to the ability to work with various graphics, WebGL significantly speeds up the loading speed of web pages, including because it works without third-party plug-ins.

Various sites reportedly use WebGL data to get a fingerprint of your device, bypassing all encryption.

Web sites can use WebGL to get your device's fingerprints. Mode:

  • Off - completely disables this technology, be careful with this setting.

  • Noise - when the site tries to get information about hash webgl, Dolphin {Anty} generates noise value of this parameter, which is as close to the real one as possible, but it is not and sends it to the site. It is convenient to work with different profiles, because on 1 browser profile the same noise value is created and assigned to it.

Webgl info

This is information about which vendor (manufacturer) and renderer (model) are used to render the graphics. Use Manual if you want to specify specific values from the list and know exactly which ones are needed. Also, if you click "New Print" you can get perfectly matched vendor and renderer values. Real - the values will be taken from your device on which you create or open the profile, i.e. going in from different devices these values will change, it is better to use those specified Manually.


This is the working name of a future web standard and JavaScript API for hardware-accelerated graphics and computing, aimed at providing "the latest 3D graphics and computing capabilities

  • Off - disables this option, but for the 114 core can have a bad effect on some sites (as in the standard chrome this option is present), if you are sure that the parameter you do not need, then unload it.

  • Real - There are 2 states of the parameter:

    • Webgl info Real - Then your fingerprint will be displayed as Webgl info and WebGPU

    • Webgl info Manual - WebGPU Real state will start to create substitutions in the browser by this parameter.

Client rects

Allows you to get the exact pixel position and size of the DOM element. Depending on the resolution, font configuration, and many other parameters, the results of getClientRects will be unique enough to accurately identify the user. We recommend leaving it in Real mode. Noise will create a value for this parameter that is close to real.

Time zone

This data shows your time zone. When selecting your time zone, make sure that it matches your IP address. Otherwise, antifraud systems will notice even faster that you are faking your real data.

  • Auto - taken from the proxy or your connection.

  • Manual - you specify yourself.


Similar to the time zone, it is better to choose the language taking into account the IP and geoposition you use. Separately, this is important if you work with accounts in social networks. In this case, the language in the browser should ideally match the language of the account, but if you need to change the language in the browser, you can do this with this option.

  • Auto - taken from the proxy or your connection.

  • Manual - you specify yourself.

You can specify 1 language, but always by default English is assigned to each profile, but priority is always given to the language you specify or the language taken according to the IP information.


Although it may appear that sites get this data from the IP address, in reality the information can also be collected through the API. This is due to the fact that users may often change their IP, e.g. in case of a change of ISP or a restart of the device.

Like other settings, in Dolphin{anty} geolocation can be changed manually or set to automatic selection.

  • Auto - taken from the proxy or your connection

  • Manual - you specify yourself in the format longitude and latitude. The accuracy is measured in percent.


In Dolphin{anty} you can manually select the number of processor cores: 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, (24), 32, 64. Windows up to 64 cores - macOS up to 32 cores - Linux up to 64 cores.


This parameter specifies the amount of RAM in the device. At the time of this writing, you can set the memory capacity of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 GB, or you can choose to automatically select this data.

  • Real - taken from your device.

  • Manual - you specify the number of GB of RAM.

You can not specify more than 128 RAM, because browsers do not accept more than 128.

Does the installation of Cpu and Memory affect the speed of operation? The speed of operation will not be different. In theory, of course, this is possible, for example: the site is a file compression utility, it looks at the number of cores, then the site will run your actions, then the number of cores you have set, if you installed 2 cores, will run 2 download threads. But such cases are very rare, almost impossible.

MAC address

It is a unique identifier assigned to each piece of network equipment or some of their interfaces in Ethernet computer networks

  • Off - Disables this swap and the transfer goes from your pc

  • Manual - you can specify the address you need or click on the Refresh sign and you will get a random address.

This option is disabled by default


This is the name of your device from which the spoofing is taking place

  • Off - Disables this swap and the transfer goes from your pc

  • Manual - you can specify the name you want or click the Refresh icon and you will be given a random name.

This option is disabled by default


Resetting the screen resolution for the browser.

  • Real - taken from your device.

  • Manual - you specify the screen resolution according to the selected OS and your desire.

Recommendation. It is best to set the screen resolution manually, because during team work, if you set the real one, then the resolution will be different on different PCs, but if you set it manually and set the value, then it will always be the same on different PCs.

Media devices

This parameter includes data about the number of microphones, speakers and cameras that are on your device and connected to it. In Dolphin{anty} you can select data from 0 to 3.

  • Real - the amount is taken from your device, and if you choose.

  • Manual - you can specify the desired amount yourself


These are the network ports that are used to exchange and transmit data. You can think of a network port as an address where specific applications communicate with each other.

Protection against scanning open ports on your device. These are the ports that some sites use to get more information from your device.
Each program on a PC has its own path and this path ends with a port, this is done so that on the network you can access this or that application directly, send some kind of request. This function is implemented in order for the user to block certain ports so that from outside it is impossible to access these ports through the profile, the ports are those that are specified by default. If other ports are needed, the user will find out themselves; we do not provide such information.

  • Real - it means for the site you will be as open as possible, as most systems are open.

  • Block - then you get a list of ports that we recommend to close. If necessary and proper knowledge, you can change the list of ports.

There are two key protocol types for ports:

  • TCP is a transport protocol that enables continuous communication between two devices.

  • UDP is a protocol that provides a fast connection.

For example, 3389 is the Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP) port, and 5938 is the UDP/TCP protocol of TeamViewer.

Do not track

Designed to allow users to opt out of tracking on web sites, which includes collecting data about a user's actions in different contexts. We recommend leaving it Off so that the sites make you look like a real user, but if you're sure it makes sense to turn it off, set the slider to the active position.

Command line switches

These are flags that are triggered along with browser instances in our antidetector. Analogue: chrome://flags/
Below is a link to the switches. We have almost all of them in our input, but you'll be able to read what each one does here)


  • Do not get too unique a fingerprint, it is advisable not to put noise because the user becomes too unique and may get burned. Our task is to disguise the user so that he passes for any other Chrome user, so a fingerprint that is too unique can stand out and this will lead to recognition.

  • Don't be afraid to set Canvas and WebGL to real mode, since there aren't many Canvas and WebGL values in the world. If we take WebGL, it is rendered based on video cards, and the series of certain video card models will be the same, therefore WebGL will be the same.

How to check the reliability of the anti-detection browser 🔍

To assess the quality of swaps, some users check the quality of anti-detection through special digital fingerprint scanners. In a separate article we made a selection of such services.

However, it is important to take into account here:

  • The scanner data is of a general informational nature. This means that they can be used as one element of verification, but you should not rely on them completely. Moreover, given that each scanner checks a different amount of data using its own algorithms, sometimes one scanner does not detect the fact of substitution, while another sees it.

  • Each site has its own algorithms for verifying user data. Because of this, what some security systems pay attention to, others ignore. If you have worked with different anti-detection browsers before, you may have noticed that on large volumes one anti-detector may work fine with Facebook, while another may be better suited to work with cryptocurrencies or search engines.

For obvious reasons, all sites do not advertise the criteria and algorithms for checking users, so the best way to understand how a particular site checks you is to gain experience and learn from other users.

What to pay attention to when choosing an anti-detect browser 🧐

We've gathered some basic parameters that may be important when choosing an anti-detect browser:

🔸Quality, number and type of substitutions

For example, some anti-detect browsers have a function to simulate the connection of a mobile device. However, the truth is that due to the strong differences in the parameters of phones and PCs, the sites always see exactly what device the user enters from. For this reason, it is better not to try to simulate using a mobile device from a PC.

🔸 Frequency and speed of browser updates

All anti-detectors run on some popular browser: Chrome, Chromium or Firefox. When visiting websites, the protection systems see what version of the browser the user is using. If the version is too old, e.g. if Chromium, for example, is version 114 up to date as of the moment of publishing this article, but the user is accessing the site using version 80, the antifraud systems may suspect that something is wrong with the user.

To avoid such problems, it is important that the anti-detection browser is promptly updated to the latest version of the main browser. As a rule, developers publish up-to-date version information on their website or in their product's news channels.

🔸 How anti-detect works with bugs and crashes

Like any program, antidetects have crashes. All failures can be divided into two types:

  • Local. When a small number of users, e.g. from a certain city, encounter difficulties.

  • Mass. When a large number of users are experiencing problems. For example, due to a large-scale failure of the servers on which the browser is running.

In the process of choosing an anti-detect browser, take time to research the browser: reviews of it, reviews, chats on social networks or Telegram, if there are any, etc.

Pay attention to how the company responds to user feedback, how it responds to negative comments, whether it deletes comments or responds to criticism in a reasoned way and helps users solve problems.

For example, in 2022, many services and companies in Russia have experienced problems due to the fact that periodically there are failures and restrictions on connection to specific servers.

It is important to understand that by failures, we mean problems specifically on the browser side. Often problems with operation can be caused by users themselves: wrong proxies, problems on the side of the Internet provider, etc. For example, in a separate article, we looked at what basic mistakes arbitrageurs make when working with anti-detect browsers.

Additional Features

There are no clear criteria here, because users care about different parameters. For example, for companies it may be important that the browser supports the ability to work in teams and the distribution of different access rights. For other users, the key factor is the usability and simplicity of the interface.

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