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Creating/Edit Profile Dolphin {anty}
Creating/Edit Profile Dolphin {anty}
Updated over a week ago

After logging into Dolphin{Anty}, the first thing you see is the "Browsers" section. If your Dolphin{Anty} account has been created recently, there are no profiles there.
There are two ways to create a profile:

  • Create one Profile

  • Mass profile creation

  • Copy Profile

Create One Profile

To create a profile and start working with anti-detect, you need to:

  1. On the top right there is a button "+". Click on it.

  2. The profile creation window will open.

  3. It is ready to work, you have to enter Profile Name, enter proxies (if you have them), add cookies (if it is necessary and you have them) and choose for what site you need it. If not for a particular site, but for different sites, select "No site".

  4. If it is necessary to update the fingerprint (for example, do not suit the default values), press "New fingerprint".

  5. After that press "Create".

6. The profile is ready to work. To start working, press the "Start" button.

7. If the setting is successful, the browser instance with the specified settings will open.

8. To close the profile, you just need to close the browser window that has opened. Alternatively, instead of clicking to close the window, you can click on the "Stop" button in the Dolphin{Anty} application window - the effect is the same.

Mass profile creation

  1. You need to download the Template Import-template-dolphin{anty}.xlsx (it will appear in your downloads)

  2. Fill it out according to the example without changing any fields

  3. Insert Template in the field for files (it is not superfluous to check the correctness of the data entered by the template)

  4. Edit settings if necessary. Basically, all settings for profiles are general. The OS and profile type will be set for all profiles in your file. For other parameters, the following options are available:

    - Off - The option will be disabled in each profile

    - Manual - The parameter will be the same for all profiles that you entered

    - Real - the parameter will be the same for all profiles

    ​- Noise - the parameter will be masked in all profiles

    - Random - the parameter will be different for all profiles
    - Altered - the parameter will be different for all profiles

    Random parameters for each can be set to:

    - Proxy (can be taken from a file or set to 1 for all existing ones)

    ​- Useragent (can be installed randomly or taken from a file)

    - WebRTС

    - WebGL Info

    - Processor

    - Memory

    - MAC address (Unique physical address of the device)

    ​- Device name (Name of the device from which the launch is being replaced)

    ​- Screen

    - Media

  5. After that, click "Import".

Copying profiles

If you have created a profile, tested it and you need many of the same profiles at once, you can click "three dots" next to the profile name, select "Copy profile". Specify the number of copies and set the "randomize fingerprint" parameter to active.

If you have a free subscription, but you specify more copies, the system will create the maximum possible number of copies.

In the settings of the browser profile there may be parameters that are unfamiliar to you, let's take a brief tour:

  1. Options available for customization include WebRTC, Canvas, WebGL, Client Rects, Time Zone, Language, GEO, CPU, Memory, Screen, Media, Ports, Do not track and others. All swaps are done at browser kernel level, no js injections.

  2. Changing the values of these parameters is recommended only if you know why you're doing it.

  3. The default settings are sufficient for normal operation. If you still want to change something, you can safely change Timezone, Language, GEO, Processor, Memory, Screen, Media. It is recommended not to change Do not track parameter, most sites track your behavior and blocking this tracking, which is responsible for Do not track, can adversely affect your work.

In case you want to know about our substitutions, what they mean and how they work, you can read it in more detail here

Edit Profile

In order to edit a profile (change proxies, change settings, add tags, etc.), just click three dots to the left of the profile and click "Edit

After that you will open a window for editing the profile, after making the necessary changes, in the upper right corner click "Save".

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