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Teamwork in Dolphin {anty}
Teamwork in Dolphin {anty}
Updated over a week ago

In Dolphin{anty} the ability to work in teams is available, you can add individual users, give them roles and work with the antic together as a team.

⚠️You can add users to your account to work in a team only on Base, Team, Enterprise plans

Creating/Delete a user

Let's move on to creating an additional user and getting started on the team. If you have already purchased an additional user, go to "Users" and click "+" to add a user:

After that, you will open a window where you have to enter the user name to be displayed, the user's email, password, and select the user role

⚠️You must enter the email of a user who is not already registered with Dolphin{anty}

Next, let's take a closer look at the roles that are available in antic:

Admin - The admin has all rights, he can see, edit and use the profiles of all users, he can assign Timlids to users and change their roles.

Teamlead - The Teamlead can only manage the users the admin assigns to him, he can start them, edit them, etc.

User - The user can only create profiles, use them and share them with other users and they have access to proxy and browser settings.

After filling in all the fields, click "Create" and the user will appear in the general list.

⚠️Delete User. When deleting a user, all browser profiles created by this user will be deleted. Therefore, we advise you to transfer profiles to admin or other user and then delete it, how to transfer?

Viewing user profiles

If you want to see all the profiles that your additional user has, you need to go to "Browsers", select "Filters", and in the filters select the user whose profiles you want to see:

After that, in the general list of browsers, you will see the profiles of the user you selected.

Transferring/Sharing Browser Profiles


To completely transfer a profile to another user (the profile will disappear from you and appear on the user to whom you transferred it), you have to select the profile(s) you want, a blue bar will appear below where you have to select "Transfer".

Next, a window will open where you can enter the user’s email and transfer the selected profile/profiles to him, and you can also choose whether to transfer the profile with a proxy or without a proxy.

Please note that after transferring the profile\profiles, they will disappear from you and will only be available to the user to whom you transferred them.

Terms of transmission of browser profiles (presented in the format "transmitting → receiving"):

Free → Free ❌

Free → Free ❌

Paid → Free ✅

Paid →Paid✅

Paid plans: Base, Team, Enterprise, Free with additional profiles.

Free plans: Free without additional profiles, Trial.

⚠️Transferring profiles gets rid of the profiles of the one who transfers. Convenient for those who farm accounts and put them up for sale.


There are two ways to share a profile (to give rights to a profile):

  1. Also through the blue bar, as it is written above, only in the window select "Share"

    Next, select which rights you want to give to the profile, and then click "Share". If you want to take away the rights to the profile from the user, you need to select which rights to the profile you want to remove, and then select "Remove rights".

  2. To the left of the profile name, hover over the three dots, and there select "Show Accesses

    In this window, you can see what accesses are granted to the profile, and to which users they are granted, and also, here you can take away the rights to the profile immediately or vice versa and then click "Save":

Schering Proxy

There are also two ways to share proxies:

  1. When transmitting a profile to a user, enable the "Transmit with proxy" slider

  2. Go to the "Proxies" section, select the desired proxy and click "Share"

    Then a window opens where you can choose with whom you want to share this proxy, or on the contrary take away someone's access to the proxy, then click "Save" and you're done

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