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Company Formation
Everything you need to select the type of entity, the state and related to company formation!
49 articles
What is a DBA?
How important are the par value and number of shares during formation?
Can I form an LLC with multiple owners (all non-US)?
Will the company be under my name or doola's?
Should I form my entity in the state I am currently living in?
I am on an H1B visa. Can I set up a US company?
What if I want to change my ownership structure after creating my business?
Should I form an LLC or a C Corp?
What is the overall process to form a company?
What's the best state to form a business in?
Should I form in Wyoming or Delaware?
How long does it take to form a company?Order processing time
What is the difference between an EIN, SSN, and ITIN?
What are the business formation fees?
Do I need to be a U.S. citizen to work with doola?Do I need to be a U.S. citizen to work with doola?
How Can I prove that I am the owner of my US company?How to Prove Ownership of my US company?
Can I use the business DBA in any state?
Is it possible to pause my company with the state after it’s been formed?
Does doola provide an Operating Agreement for a company I open?
How can I form an additional company?Forming an additional company
How to edit a PDF
How to set up a US LLC + US Bank Account as a non-US resident, remotely from anywhereHow to set up a US LLC + US Bank Account as a non-US resident
LLC vs. C-Corp: How To Choose What's Best For YouThe ultimate LLC vs. C-Corp guide for anyone who's unsure
What Is the Best State to Form Your LLC In?A Helpful Guide To Decide Where To Form Your LLC
A State by State Guide of LLC FeesEach U.S. States LLC formation and annual fees
What To Know Before Starting Your LLCAn In Depth View on What Owning an LLC Really Means
What Is Delayed-Effective-Filing For An LLC?Delayed-Effective Filing, The Best Kept Secret in LLC Formations
Can I change my LLC to a C-Corp or vice versa?
When forming a C-Corp, do the roles of President, Secretary, and Treasurer need to be different people?
Wyoming C-corp or Delaware C-corp
What do I need to start a DAO LLC?What information do I need to start a DAO LLC?
What is a DAO?
What is a smart contract?
How is a DAO different from a normal LLC?
What info do I need to start my DAO LLC?
How do I name my DAO LLC?
Can I convert an LLC to a DAO LLC?
If I already have an LLC, can I convert it to a DAO?You have an LLC and would like to convert it to a DAO, can you? Here's the process.
What is beneficial ownership information(BOI)?
Why do companies have to report beneficial ownership information (BOI) to the U.S. Department of the Treasury?
When do I need to report my company’s beneficial ownership information (BOI) to FinCEN?
How can doola file my company's beneficial ownership information(BOI)?
Can I file my company's beneficial ownership information(BOI) report on my own?