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How does it work?
Oksana Vanzhula avatar
Written by Oksana Vanzhula
Updated over a week ago

For event creators/moderators:

° Sign up here with your Google login

° Click on “create event”

° Enter the name of the event that will be shown publicly

° Select the event type - Public (accessible by anyone with link) or Private (restricted to users from your email domain)

° Then click “Save “ and you’ll be taken to a dashboard of event(s) you created. Click on the “copy icon” to share the event URL.

° Now just wait for the questions and the votes to start rolling in. Keep in mind, everything is updated real time!  

For attendees:

° Click on the event link you have received

° If the event is private, then you must log in with your Google login. If the event      creator/moderator had allowed “anonymous submission”, then you’ll have the option to ask anonymous questions even if you’re logged in.

° If the event is public, you’ll have the option to enter anonymously

° At the top right corner of your screen, you’ll see your assigned anonymous animal. How close was it to your spirit animal?

° You can ask and upvote as many questions as you like. However, you’re limited to upvote only once per question. 

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