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How Dory works

Introduction to Dory’s main features and functionality.

Oksana Vanzhula avatar
Written by Oksana Vanzhula
Updated over 5 months ago

For event creators

  1. Sign Up: Begin by signing up here with your Google or Microsoft login.

  2. Create an Event: Click "+ Create Event" and enter a name for your event. This name will be visible to attendees. Learning more about creating event on Dory

  3. Save and Share: Once saved, you’ll be directed to your event page. Copy the event URL by clicking the "copy" icon and share it with your attendees. Learning more about other options to share your event

  4. Engage: You’re all set!

For event attendees

  1. Join the Event: Use the event link you received to access the event.

  2. Login Requirements:

    • For Private Events: Log in with your Google or Microsoft account. If the event allows anonymous submissions, you can still ask questions anonymously while logged in.

    • For Public Events: You may join and participate without logging in.

  3. Ask and Upvote: You can ask and upvote as many questions as you like. However, you’re limited to upvote only once per question. 

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