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Manage audience questions

There are a number of features that can help you run a great Q&A: pin, edit, and archive questions.

Oksana Vanzhula avatar
Written by Oksana Vanzhula
Updated over 5 months ago

In Dory, users can submit multiple questions, allowing for an open and engaging Q&A session. Here are some key features to help you effectively manage and prioritize these questions:

Pinning Questions

  • Highlight the current discussion: Use the Pin feature to make it clear which question is currently being addressed. When pinned, the question stays at the top of the list, ensuring visibility for all participants.

  • Multiple questions: You can pin multiple questions, and they will be organized by the order in which they were pinned. All other questions will be sorted by the number of upvotes they receive.

Archiving Questions

  • Make room for new questions: Once a question has been answered, you can archive it to keep the list organized and make space for new inquiries.

  • Accessing archived questions: Archived questions will remain stored in the Archive tab, allowing you to review them later.

  • Restoring questions: To restore an archived question, navigate to the Archive tab and click the Unarchive button. The question will then reappear in the main list for further discussion.

By effectively utilizing these features, you can ensure a smooth and engaging Q&A experience for all participants during your event.

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