Workspace admins have access to view, manage, and create events within the Dory workspace. They can assist in organizing and managing any event in your workspace.
For specific events, you can also invite a collaborator. Learn more about inviting collaborators.
How to invite colleagues as admins to your Dory workspace
1. Go to your workspace by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner and selecting your workspace.
2. Navigate to the Event Admins tab and click on + Invite New Admin.
3. Enter the email address of the user you want to invite as an admin for your workspace, then click Send Invite.
4. Once the new workspace admin accepts the invitation, you will receive a notification via email, and the user will appear on the admin list.
How to remove admins from your workspace
1. Go to your workspace by clicking on your avatar in the top right corner and selecting your workspace.
2. Navigate to Event Admins.
3. In the admin list, hover over the selected user to reveal the remove icon. Click it to remove the admin.