1. Log in to DragonFly on your computer's web browser and select 'Game Schedules' from the left-side menu.
2. Select the 'Add Game' button in the top-right corner.
3. If you're creating a regular-season tournament, select 'Create Tournament' from the drop-down menu. To add a Playoff, select 'Create Playoff' from the drop-down.
4. Input all information about the tournament or playoff in the right-side panel. Once you type the name of a participating school, you can select it from the drop-down menu. This ensures that the tournament or playoff appears in the Game Schedule for each school.
The Facility field will default to the host organization, so be sure to manually update this section with the facility or tournament location (i.e. DragonFly High School - Gym). Once each section is complete, select 'Save Tournament' or 'Save Playoff'.
5. You will be redirected to the Playoff or Tournament Management view, where the individual games and the bracket will be automatically generated. You can toggle between the two by selecting the 'Games' or 'Bracket' tabs.
6. Click on each game in the list or bracket to edit the time, teams and location in the right-side panel. You can leave certain games as 'TBD' if the participants or other details are not known.
7. To enter scores, select each game in the list, then choose the 'Enter Scores' button at the bottom of the right-side panel. A pop-up window will appear where you can input the score. Winners will auto-advance in the bracket. The bracket will also announce a champion once a final winner is declared.
8. Once you have entered all tournament and game details, select 'Exit Tournament Management' to return to the main Game Schedule.