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Pay Officials for All Games in a Tournament

By selecting the 'Pay at Tournament Level' button, you can pay officials for all games worked within a tournament, tri-match or playoffs.

Jelsey Juric avatar
Written by Jelsey Juric
Updated over 4 years ago

1. Log in to the NFHS Center for Officials Services with your DragonFly username and password, then select 'Game Schedules' in the left-side menu.

2. Find and click on your tournament, tri-match or playoff in the list to open the game details in the right-side panel.

3. Select the 'Officials and Workers' tab at the top of the panel.

4. Select the 'Pay: At Tournament Level' button.

5. Select the 'Manage Payments' button.

6. For each official listed, use the drop-down menu to select the position(s) they worked, then the number of games worked at that position. Select 'Add Position' to add additional positions.

7. If your state has provided default game fees, they will appear in the payment fields. If not, input any monies they are due, including position fees, travel and per diem.

8. Select the 'Pay Now' button to choose your payment method and send the final payment(s).

9. Alternately, you can choose the 'Add to Pay Sheet' button to pay the official(s) with a new or existing pay sheet.

10. To access invoices and receipts, select 'Payments' in the left-side menu, then 'Invoices' at the top of the screen. Filter your list by 'Paid' items.

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