Setting Up and Adding Teams
1. Log in to DragonFly with your username and password, then select ‘Schools & People’ from the left-side menu.
2. Select ‘Set Up Teams’ in the blue menu bar.
3. Select the Academic Year from the drop-down menu.
4. If you used DragonFly in the previous academic year, your teams (not including athletes) will be copied to the upcoming year. To copy over athletes from the previous year, scroll down to the ‘Adding or Copying Members of a Team’ section of this article.
5. To add a new team, select the ‘Add Teams’ button, then complete all team information. If you’re adding multiple teams, select the ‘Save and Add Another’ button. To save a single team, select the ‘Save’ button.
6. To edit a team, either click on the team name in the list or select the three dots (•••), then ‘Edit’ from the drop-down menu.
7. To delete a team, select the three dots (•••), then ‘Delete’ from the drop-down menu.
Opening and Closing Registration
1. To open or close registration for a team, click on either ‘Not Open’ or ‘Opened’ in the list, then follow the prompts.
Adding or Copying Members of a Team
1. To add athletes to a team, select the three dots (•••), then ‘Add Athletes’ from the drop-down menu.
2. You can either:
Copy over all athletes from the previous year
Copy over all athletes, minus seniors, from the previous year
Not add athletes to your team yet
Once you’ve chosen an option, follow the prompts to complete setup. You will need to complete this step for each team at your school.
3. Once you have added your athletes, you will see the count under the ‘Members’ column shortly after all athletes have been imported.
4. To view your list of athletes and their eligibility requirements, select ‘People’ from the blue menu bar to open up the Eligibility Checklist.