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Policy Center overview
Policy Center overview
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Policy Center is your central hub for managing policies critical to audit readiness and compliance. It allows you to create, edit, approve, and archive policies, ensuring that they meet compliance standards and are acknowledged by your team annually.


Before using the Policy Center:

Ensure you have the appropriate role assigned. Learn more about Drata’s roles.

Policy Center’s Key Features

Explore the following features of the Policy Center with step-by-step guides:

Policy Center Page

The Policy Center is divided into two tabs:

  • Active policies: View and manage current policies.

  • Archived or replaced policies: View policies that are no longer active, including archived or superseded policies. These policies can be restored if needed.

Active policies tab

On the Active policies tab, there is a policy overview section that gives you a holistic view of your policies. This section includes four cards that display key policy metrics, making it easier to manage your policies. You can select on any card to apply its filter to the table. The cards include:

  • Renews soon: Shows the number of active policies where the latest version has a renewal date within the next two months.

  • Renewal past due: Shows the number of active policies where the latest version has a renewal date that is past due.

  • Needs approval: Shows the number of active policies where the latest version is in the Needs Approval status.

  • Ready to publish: Shows the number of active policies where the latest version is in the Approved status and awaiting to be published.

View your policies

To view a policy, select anywhere on the row. The version that will be displayed depends on the policy’s current status:

  • If only a draft version exists, then the latest draft will be displayed.

  • If only a Published version of that policy exists, then the published policy will be displayed

  • If both Published and draft versions exist, then the latest draft will be displayed.

    • By viewing the Version and Status columns, you can recognize which published policies have draft versions.

Note: You will be able to view the published and draft versions by selecting the link within the info banner.

Filters in the Policy Center

The Policy Center includes filters to help you find and manage policies based on specific criteria:

  1. Renewal Date: Use this filter to find policies based on their renewal status.

    • Renews Soon: Displays policies with a renewal date within the next two months.

    • Past Due: Displays policies with a renewal date that has passed.

  2. Status: Filter policies by their current status: Draft, Needs Approval. Approved, and Published.

  3. Owner: Search and filter policies base don the policy owner.

You can also utilize the search bar to find your policies.

Policy Status

Policies progress through the following statuses:

  • Draft: Initial state where policies are created, edited, and finalized for approval.

  • Needs Approval: Policies awaiting review and approval from Policy Owners.

    • Content cannot be edited at this stage.

  • Approved: Policies that have been reviewed and approved by the Policy Owner but are not yet published.

    • At this stage, only the Policy Owner can edit the policy.

  • Published: The policy is live and officially in effect, impacting your monitoring tests and compliance.

    • Personnel must acknowledge the policy to fulfill compliance requirements.

When you finalize or make changes to your policies, you must indicate if it is a material change or non-material change.

  • Material changes:

    • Significant updates to the policy’s core aspects.

    • The policy version is updated to a major version (such as v1 → v2).

    • The status changes to Needs Approval, requiring Policy Owner review and approval.

    • Personnel acknowledgment is required after the update.

  • Non-Material Changes:

    • If the changes are not material changes, the policy version will be updated to a minor version (such as v1 → v1.2). If you are a Policy Owner and the policy is already published, you can publish minor updates directly. Non-Policy Owners: Must send updates for approval. Personnel acknowledgment is not required for minor changes.

    • Minor adjustments that don’t affect the policy’s core aspects.

    • The policy version is updated to a minor version.

    • If you are a Policy Owner and the policy is already published, you can publish the edits instantly.

    • Non-Policy Owners must submit updates for approval and the status is changed to Needs Approval.

    • Personnel acknowledgment is not required for non-material changes.

Policy Version

Policy versions help you track every change made to a policy, ensuring transparency and compliance. Each time a policy is updated, it is assigned a new version number, allowing you to monitor edits, approvals, and updates at every stage. When you download a policy, the PDF includes a complete version history with details of all changes.

Major Versions (such as v1.1 → v2.1)

When you make material changes that significantly impact the policy's core aspects, the policy will:

  • Require Policy Owner approval

  • Require personnel acknowledgment.

Minor Versions (such as v1.1 → v1.2)

When you make non-material changes, such as minor adjustments that don’t alter the policy’s core aspects, the policy:

  • May or may not require Policy Owner approval, depending on your role:

    • Policy Owners: Can publish minor updates directly.

    • Non-Policy Owners: Requires policy owner's approval.

  • Personnel acknowledgment is not required for minor changes.

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