It’s Important to Note That You Can Apply Multiple Criteria Simultaneously. For Example, You Can Filter for Deals Assigned to Three Different Salespeople at Once, Deals With Two Labels, and More.
1. Click on 'Sales Pipeline'
2. Here You Will Find the Filter Preset
This will allow you to make multiple combinations of filters that will help you find groups of clients quickly. If you want more information on how to create a filter preset, click here.
3. Here You Can Filter by Salespeople
4. Here You Can Filter by Labels
Click here for more information on how to create labels.
5. Here You Can Filter by Lead Sources
Click here for more information on how to add lead sources.
6. Here You Can Filter by the Deal Card Creation Date
7. Here You Can Filter by the Changed Date
8. Press ‘Go’ When You Are Done Selecting the Filters
9. Press 'Reset' to Delete All Filters Selected and Delete the Current Search
If you want more information on how to apply and reset a filter, click here.
10. Press ‘Save Filter’ to Create a Preset of Filters Selected
If you want more information on how to create a filter preset, click here.
If you need any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the HelpDesk.