Due to Recent Changes, You May Need to Reconnect Your Google Calendar.
Important Note: Each User, With a Connected Calendar, Has to Reconnect Their Google Calendar.
If You See This Notification at the Top, Click the 'Sign in With Google,' Button and Continue With the Steps Below:
1. Select Your Google Account
2. Click 'Allow'
3. Click 'Link' to Link Your Calendar
4. Your Calendar is Now Connected!
If the Notification is Not Appearing, Follow These Steps:
1. Click on 'My Profile'
2. Scroll Down and Click 'Sign in with Google'
3. Click on Your Google Account
4. Click on 'Allow'
5. Click on 'Link'
6. Congratulations Your Google Calendar is Connected!
If you have any questions or need any assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to DripJobs Customer Support or the Helpdesk.