1. Click on 'Drips'
2. Locate and Click on the Stage Name and the Drip Sequence you Want to Toggle Off
3. Click on the Drip Name you Would Like to Disable
4. Once the Drip Opens, Click the 'Enabled' Button to Change it to 'Disabled'. This Will Turn That Drip Off
5. Scroll Down and Click on 'Save'
It is necessary to clarify that if you Disable a Drip from this section, it will be for all clients from now on.
If you want to deactivate it only for a specific client, you can do it like this...
6. Click on Corresponding Pipeline to see Your Deals
7. Click on the Name of the Client You'd Like to Disable the Drips
8. When the Command Center Opens up, Scroll Down and You can Enable/Disable the Drips for That Particular Client
10. Click on 'Save'
It's important to note that disabling the drips through the deal card for a client will turn off all drips for that client until it is toggled back on.
If you need any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the HelpDesk.