When refunds are granted
If you were just charged for your next month of DripJobs but you meant to cancel, we're happy to refund that charge.
If you forgot to cancel your monthly DripJobs plan, and you haven't had any DripJobs usage, we'll give you a full refund up to the last 2 months with no DripJobs usage.
If you received an extended trial of longer than 60 days, we will not refund any charges.
If you never activated your account (created a password), even if you had a trial longer than 60 days, we will refund up to 2 months of charges.
All requests for refunds must be made through the help desk or by emailing billing@dripjobs.com.
If you need any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the HelpDesk.