1. If You Type Your Client’s Email Incorrectly as Shown Here, “johndoe2gmail.com”...
2. Or If You Type the Client’s Phone Number Incorrectly as Shown Here “555555555”...
3. You Will Receive the Error Message “Email is invalid”, or “Phone is invalid” Preventing You From Saving and Moving Forward With the Contact
4. If You Correct the Email by Entering a Valid Email Address Format Such As, “johndoe@gmail.com”...
5. And a Valid Phone Number Format With 10 Digits Such As, “555-555-5555”...
6. Click on 'Save'...
7. The System Will Save the Contact Successfully and Bring You Back to the Contacts Page!
If you have any questions or need any assistance with this, please don't hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the Helpdesk.