You need to know attaching a Picture into a Drip only works for Email Drips but not SMS Drips.
1. Click on 'Drips'
2. Click on the Drip you Want to Add the Picture to
3. Click on the 'Image' Icon
4. Click on 'Upload'
Here you will need to Browse the picture and Upload it within our server to finally attach it to the email.
5. Click 'Choose File' and Select the File From Your Computer
6. Once Done, Click on 'Send it to the Server'
7. Click on 'OK'
You can add an Alternative Test, modify the Width and the Height, specify the preferred Alignment, and finally specify a Caption.
8. Click on 'Preview Email Drip' to Visualize how Your Picture Will Look
9. This is How the Picture we Added Looks Within the Email Drip
10. Click on 'Save'
If you need any assistance with this, please don’t hesitate to contact DripJobs Customer Support or the HelpDesk.