1. In our Sales Pipeline, we see we have a rejected proposal
Click the proposal number on the deal card to view the proposal.
2. View the customer feedback, under Rejected box.
In this example, we can see the customer has left feedback that they had a bad experience due to a change request being left unanswered.
3. Viewing the proposal as your customer will, from the Customer Portal, see the View Rejection Response & Options button below. (This is a new feature!)
4. When they click it, they are given this pop up, allowing them to send you a quick note, letting you know they would like to reconsider their proposal and provide you with the best way to reach them.
Note: When they click Send Message, this will notify you in-app via the bell icon in your account and you will receive an email notification.
5. They will also review a toast at the top of their screen, confirming the message was sent to you.
6. From your proposal view, you should now see a Win Back Opportunity along with preferred contact.
7. Reminder: Prior to reaching out, it may be a good idea to refresh your memory on why they rejected the proposal in the first place.
Review the Rejection reason in the box at the top and be sure to check out the change requests and activity log below...
8. Click on Change Requests
9. View any submitted change request that may have been resolved or closed when the proposal was rejected. You may want to address these, prior to reaching out to the client.
In this example, I'm going to go ahead and add that Kitchen wall painting, FREE, as a thank you for giving us another chance. (This is not required for a win back, but I thought it a nice touch for this fictional customer. Hey, not money outta my fake wallet!)
10. I'll click Add Item
11. Click on Select a product or service...
12. Click on Interior Painting - Walls
13. Type "Interior Painting - Walls (Kitchen)"
14. Leave the price at $0.00
15. Click on Save
16. Click on Re-open Proposal
17. Click on Yes, re-open it!
18. To review history, click on Activity Log
19. Click on Re-Send Proposal
20. Click on Send
21. From your Sales Pipeline, you should now see the Deal Card in the Proposal(s) Sent stage, and status changed back to PENDING.
Congratulations! That's a WIN BACK!
22. And now your client can accept their new proposal!