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Configure a profile to protect Microsoft 365 app data
Configure a profile to protect Microsoft 365 app data
Updated over 6 months ago

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To back up Microsoft 365 app data, you must specify the Microsoft 365 backup settings in an existing profile or in a new profile. inSync will start backing up the user data from Microsoft 365 as per the backup schedule that is defined for a profile with SaaS Apps feature enabled.

Create a new profile

  1. On the inSync Management Console menu bar, click Profiles .

  2. Click Create New Profile . The profile creation wizard appears.

  3. On the General tab, provide the required details for the Summary and User Privacy & Access sections and click Next .




Profile name

Type the name for this profile.

Max. # users

Type the maximum number of users that you want to assign to this profile.

If you do not want to set any restriction on the number of users, type 0 (zero).


Type a short description for this profile.

Data Preservation

πŸ“ Note

By default, Data Preservation settings are not inherited from the Default profile. You must specify Data Preservation settings as per your preference.

Auto delete preserved users

Select this check box if you want inSync to automatically delete preserved users after a particular duration.

Auto delete after

Specify the duration, in the number of days, when inSync should automatically delete preserved users.

πŸ“ Note

  • The users to be auto-deleted must be in preserved state for a minimum of 30 days and maximum 7305 days.

  • Once the user is auto-deleted, data of that user is also deleted from inSync. You cannot recover this deleted data again.

  • User data is retained or deleted based on the backup retention policy you have defined through profiles.

  • If a preserved user is under Legal Hold, such user will not be deleted.

Backup Inactivity Alert

Alert if user's data sources are not backed up for

inSync will raise the user Backup Inactivity Alert if a user device is not backed up for more than the days specified in this field. You can specify from 1 to 365 days in this field.

User Privacy & Access

Allow admin access to user data

By default, this check box is selected.

Clear this check box if you do not want administrators to access and restore user data. Once you have cleared this check box, you cannot change your preference later.

Allow users to edit privacy settings

By default, this check box is selected. If you do not want to allow Microsoft 365 SaaS Apps users to edit the privacy settings, click to clear this check box.

If you allow users to edit their privacy settings, Microsoft 365 SaaS Apps users can prevent administrators from:

  • Viewing or downloading user data.

  • Performing data restores for the users.

  • Performing analytic search for the users.

  • Viewing files and folder names that users have restored or downloaded in the user audit trail.

  • Downloading log files pertaining to a user's inSync activities.

  • Downloading data that users share with others. However, inSync Cloud administrator can view the share activities for the users irrespective of the privacy settings.

πŸ“ Note

If you want to disallow the users to disable administrators to view/download their backup and share data through inSync Client, clear the 'Allow users to edit privacy settings' check box.

Allows restores from a Web browser

By default, this checkbox is selected. Clear this checkbox if you do not want to allow users to restore data by accessing their inSync account through a web browser.

Login using

From the dropdown, click a preferred method that you want users to use to activate inSync and to log in to inSync Web.

The available options are as follows:

  • If you want users to use the password that inSync assigns, click inSync Password .

  • If you want users to user their Single Sign-On username and password, click Single Sign-On .

  • If you want users to use their AD/LDAP username and password, click AD/LDAP Account .

    • When you click AD/LDAP Account , the Select AD/LDAP Server field appears.
      Select the IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the inSync Master that contains the AD or LDAP server.

Single Sign-On (SSO) option is available only if SSO is configured in inSync. To configure SSO, see Configure inSync for SSO .

Allow users to log on only through the MDM managed app

This option is displayed only if you check the Allow access from mobile devices .

Select this checkbox if you want to allow users to log in using only the inSync for MobileIron app from iOS devices.

Enforce PIN for mobile access

Select this checkbox if you want to make it mandatory for users to set a four-digit security code to open the Druva Mobile App.

4. Click the Enable the SaaS Apps Backup setting option to enable Microsoft 365 app.

You can enable and define the settings for the Microsoft 365 app only if you have purchased a license for SaaS Apps. If you have not subscribed for the SaaS Apps license but would like to purchase one, contact Druva Sales.

The setting options on the SaaS Apps screen are displayed.



Backup SaaS Apps

Microsoft 365

On the Select Backup Content page, click the Microsoft 365 tab if you want to backup all the Microsoft 365 web applications.

For backup of specific Microsoft 365 web applications, select your preference: OneDrive , Exchange Online, or SharePoint Onlin . For more information, see:

Global Exclusions

The fields for Global Exclusions are displayed based on the selections within Microsoft 365 SaaS Apps.

  • OneDrive

    • If you have selected the checkbox to backup only OneDrive data, then, you have the option to exclude certain file types from getting backed up.

    • In the Exclude Files box, type the file types that you want to exclude from the backup. The file extensions are automatically added to the adjacent field. If you want to remove a file type, click the file type.

  • Exchange Online

    • Global Exclusions for files is not applicable for emails.

For more information on how you can configure the global exclude list, see Configure the global exclude list .

Schedule & Retention: Backup Schedule

Backup frequency

Select how frequently you want inSync to back up Microsoft 365 apps data. By default, inSync performs the backup operation once a day. For more information, see Define the backup interval for SaaS Apps .

Schedule & Retention: Data Retention for SaaS Apps

Retain all backups for

Type the number of days that you want to retain all backups. At the end of the backup period, inSync deletes the data from the storage.

For example, if you specify that you want to retain all backups for 5 days and inSync completed the backup operation on January 6, 2019. inSync then deletes the backup data from the storage on January 11, 2019.

Retain weekly backups for

Type the number of weeks that you want to retain all backups. At the end of the weekly backup period, inSync deletes the data from the storage.

πŸ“ Note

The weekly backup is the last backup in a calendar week. The calendar week starts on Sunday.

Retain monthly backups for

Type the number of months that you want to retain all backups. At the end of the monthly backup period, inSync deletes the data from the storage.

πŸ“ Note

The monthly backup is the last backup in a calendar month.

Email Retention

Automatically delete old emails

Type the number of months after which you want inSync to delete all backed up emails.

For example, if you type 6, inSync will automatically delete all emails across all snapshots whose sent or received timestamp is more than 6 months old.

After you configure to enable backup from SaaS Apps, the Manage Users page displays the number of SaaS Apps associated with the users. If you click the SaaS Apps associated with a user, the SaaS Apps tab displays the backup status of SaaS Apps data.

πŸ“ Note

Click Disable SaaS Apps Backup to disable the SaaS Apps backup associated to this profile at anytime.

Alternatively, you can update the existing profile to enable the Cloud App feature. For more information, see Update Profile .

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