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Add users individually

Add single or few users manually.

Updated over 12 months ago

License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.


As an administrator, you can add users individually using the inSync Management Console. This option of adding users is useful when you have a single or few users that are manageable and can be added manually. There is no cap on the number of users that can be added to the portal.

💡 Tip

inSync also gives you the option to add users using API. Use 'Create a new user' API to automate user creation. Detailed information is available on Developer’s Documentation Portal -

Before you begin

Before you add users, ensure the following:

  • You or an administrator has created the profile that you want to assign to the user.

  • You have created the storage where you want inSync to back up the user data.


  1. Login to the inSync Management Console.

  2. On the inSync Management Console menu bar, click Users. The Users page appears.

  3. Click Add User. The Add New User window appears.


Provide the following details of a user.



Email address

Type the email address of the user.


Type the display name for the user.


Click the profile to which you want to associate the user.

In the drop-down list, click the green shield icon which is displayed to illustrate the data lock-enabled profile.

After selecting this profile you cannot:

  • Delete the snapshots, users, and devices associated with the profile.

  • Change profile of users.

  • Remove the license of the user.

For more details, see Data Lock.


Click storage where you want to back up the user data. If you do not select a storage, inSync selects the storage where inSync backs up the user's data.

Endpoint Quota

Type the maximum data that the backup and share folder of the user's devices can contain. If the data exceeds the quota, backup or share operations from user devices fail. If you do not want to set any restriction on the amount of data that the user can back up or share, type 0 (zero).

📝 Note

By default, the quota assigned to the profile is set as the user quota. You can assign a different quota for the user that you are creating. If you update the endpoint quota, updates that administrators make to the profile quota are not applicable for this user.

Do not send an account activation email to the user

Select this checkbox if you don't want the users to receive any account activation email for inSync Web.

Email Subject

If you want to update the subject of the account activation email, type the new content in the Subject box.

Email Body

If you want to update the body of the account activation email, type the new content in the Body box.

4. Click Create User.

The new user receives an email containing the inSync credentials. These credentials are used for logging into the user's portal where users can download and restore the data.

The user license status is unlicensed after the user is added.

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