The Invoices & Payments Tab is where you'll find the settings and options that relate to invoicing, fees, and accepting online payments.
Let's get started in your...
Invoices & Payments Tab
To get into your Settings, click on your name in the top right of the screen, or the pull-down menu, and click on the Settings option.
When you get to the Settings area, click the Invoices & Payments Tab.
Invoice/Statement Defaults
Here are the different fields and their descriptions:
Numbering Format - choose from 8 options that include invoice #, Year, Date, and Time.
Next Invoice Number - you can set the next invoice number here. Every invoice you create going forward will sequentially follow this value.
Invoicing Version - We recommend new users use Invoicing version 2.0 (the default) as it has the most recent options and features.
Notes to Client on Invoice - this is formattable text that appears above the charges area on all invoices when saved. (This is different from the Invoice Message text which appears at the bottom of each invoice)
Notes to Client on Statement - this formattable text appears at the bottom of all statements (a.k.a. Student Account Summary report) when saved.
Reminders and Late Fees section:
- Enable automatic reminders before payments are due - click this checkbox to enable reminders, select one of these options...
Send billing contact a reminder XX days before a payment due
Send billing contact a reminder on the due date (The due date is set when you create the invoice)
- Enable charging of late fees - click this checkbox to enable automatic charging of late fees. A notification will be sent to the billing contact when late fee is charged.
Choose one of these 2 Charge Type options for the late fee...
Percentage of the billed amount - select the percentage of the billed amount to add to the teachers amount due.
Flat fee - enter in the fixed amount of the late fee.
Payment Options section:
To enable online payments from students and parents, you'll need to enable one of the payment services we support - which are PayPal, Stripe and
Choose the appropriate checkbox to...
Enable Payments from PayPal
Enable Credit Card Payments
About the PayPal set up...
With a PayPal account enabled in Duet, you will be able to receive PayPal payments AND credit card payments.
You'll need to have already set up a PayPal account. We recommend a business account. Click here to go to the PayPal business account set up page.
Once you have your PayPal account set up, simply enter in the email account you registered for your PayPal account with and click the Save Invoices and Payment Settings at the bottom of the screen.
(If you'd like have your PayPal transactions automatically entered into your Duet account, see how to set that up in PayPal here.)
When you click on the Enable credit card payments checkbox, you will have 2 options... - click here to find out more about Stripe and sign up. - click here to find out more about and sign up.
About the Stripe setup...
Stripe is a payment processing service that allows you receive credit cards.
For walkthrough instructions on how to set up Stripe and get the Live secret key, and Live publishable key you'll need to enter in this section, go here.
To enable Stripe inside of Duet...
Click the Enable credit card payments checkbox
Click the checkbox
Enter in the Live secret key
Enter in the Live publishable key
Click the Save Invoices and Payments Settings button at the bottom of the screen
FYI - transactions through Stripe are automatically entered into Duet with no extra steps required.
Another big benefit of using Stripe with Duet is that...
Stripe allows you to set up automated payments from your parents / students if they save their credit card inside of their Duet account.
(See Stripe Auto Payment Subscriptions For Families for more details / set up instructions)
About the set up... is another payment processing service that allows you receive credit cards.
To inside of Duet...
Click the Enable credit card payments checkbox
Click the checkbox
Enter in the API login
Enter in the Live publishable key
Click the Save Invoices and Payments Settings button at the bottom of the screen
If you'd like have your transactions automatically entered into your Duet account, copy and paste the address below to your silent post field.
When finished configuring your settings, click the Save Invoices and Payments Settings button.