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How do I cancel my Duet account?

We hate to see you go.

Ken Rhodes avatar
Written by Ken Rhodes
Updated over 3 years ago

First, login to your account.

Then, click the Silhouette located in the upper right corner next to your name. Choose My Account from the menu that drops down.

Once on the My Account page click link that says, "To cancel your account, click here," located in the lower left.

Answer the questions about your reason for cancelling, and provide any other information that would be helpful for us in improving our service.

Click Next to go to the next page of the questionnaire, answer the question there, then click Next again. On the final page, please read through the information about your account cancellation.

Click the Cancel My Account button and your credit card subscription will be cancelled immediately. Your Duet account will remain active until the date when your next payment would have been due, so that you can have some time to export any information you might need. When your next payment date comes up, if you do not reactivate your subscription, your Duet account will be cancelled, and you not have access to anything except for the My Account page, unless you renew your subscription by updating your billing information.

If you are paying by PayPal, you will need to cancel your subscription there to prevent PayPal from sending us any more automatic payments. To find out how to do that, consult PayPal's help articles.

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