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Future Events Showing as Attended
Julie Myers avatar
Written by Julie Myers
Updated over 2 years ago

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Let's say you have an existing, one time, event on your calendar.

This event went over so well that you want to make it a regular thing. So, you go into that event and make it repeat weekly for the rest of the summer.

When done you notice that all future events are showing that they have already been attended. But, you did not mark them as attended.

Cause of Problem

This happens when you edit an event on your calendar, that has already been set as attended, and turn it into a repeating event that extends into the future. What the system does is copy that original event, including its attendance status, and creates the future events. So, since the original event was already marked as attended all future events are too.


To remove the attended status from the future events, you have two options. You can either:

  1. Delete the event and create a new one from scratch.

  2. Go into each event and reschedule it.

Fix #1: Delete the Event and Create a New One From Scratch

You can delete all future events at one time. To do so:

  1. Go to your Calendar and find the first event that should not be marked as attended. In this example it is Wednesday the 8th.

  2. Click on the event to open the Attended Event popup box.

  3. Click on the Trash icon.

  4. Choose "Delete this and all future occurrences."

  5. Click on the Delete button.

All future events are now deleted.

You can now recreate the event series from scratch starting, in this example, on Wednesday the 8th.

Fix #2: Go Into Each Event and Reschedule It

This option works best if you only have a few future events created. This is because you will need to go into each event, one by one, and reschedule it. Rescheduling the event will remove any attendance status. To do so:

  1. Go to your Calendar and find the first event that should not be marked as attended. In this example it is Wednesday the 8th.

  2. Click on the event to open the Attended Event popup box.

  3. Click on the Reschedule option. No need to make any changes to the Date and Time.

  4. Click on Save Changes button.

Notice how there is no longer an attendance set for Wednesday the 8th.

Repeat steps 1 - 4, above, until you have reset attendance for all events.

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