Table of Contents
About This Tutorial
Online Studio comes with a chat feature. You can either send messages:
Privately so that only the person you are messaging will see it.
Publicly so that everyone in the room can see it.
You can also include emojis in your message to make things fun or express a feeling. And you can attach a file that can be downloaded.
To use the chat feature, you:
Include an emoji by clicking on the Smile button.
Type your text in the Message Box.
Attach a file by clicking on the Paper Clip button.
Send your message or an emoji by clicking on the Paper Airplane button, or by hitting Enter on your keyboard.
When you send a public message the background of the message is black:
When you send a message privately, the background of the message is red:
This tutorial will show you how to send chats that everyone in the room can see.
Send Public Messages, Emojis, and Files
Let's say that you are teaching a private lesson. Since there is only one student in the room, J.S. Bach (named after his famous relative), you can send your chat publicly. You want to send Bach his next assignment which you put into a PDF file.
Go to your Nav Bar and click on the Open chat button.
This will open up the Chat panel.
In this example, we will send Bach a message and an emoji first. Then send him the assignment file.In the Message Box type: "Bach, here is next week's lesson. It gives an intro to the Circle of 5ths".
Click on the Paper Airplane button to send the message.
Next, you want to send Bach an emoji. Click on the Smile button.
This will bring up your emoji options.
Click on the Smile emoji to choose it.
Notice how the emoji is spelled out in the Message Box.
Click on the Paper Airplane button to send the emoji.
Last but not least, you want to send the assignment file to Bach. Click on the Paper Clip button.
This will open up your file manager.
Click on the file you want, to highlight it. Then click on the Open button.
The file will upload and automatically be put into the chat for you.
Bach can download the file by click on the download link.
Note: Currently there is not a way to view the file from the chat. You can only download it.