Table of Contents
About This Tutorial
The Live Streaming feature lets you live stream, through YouTube, what your camera sees in Online Studio.
For example, let's say that you want to live stream your concert. You can do this by starting an Online Studio session, then start a live stream on your YouTube account, and then have Online Studio connect to your YouTube live stream.
To successfully use the live streaming feature you will need:
A YouTube account.
Setup your YouTube account so you can live stream.
Get your Live Stream Key.
Get the live stream URL so people can view it on YouTube.
This tutorial will walk you through all the steps needed to use this feature.
Step 1: Sign Up for YouTube
If you haven't already done so, sign up for a YouTube account. For instruction see this tutorial from Google: Create an Account on YouTube.
Step 2: Setup Your YouTube Account for Live Streaming
Once you have a YouTube account, you will need to basically ask YouTube permission to be able to do live streaming.
Note: Once you ask YouTube permission, they make you wait 24 hours before you can use their live streaming service.
To do so, follow these instructions from Google: Get Started Live Streaming.
Step 3: Go Live on YouTube
Now that your YouTube is all setup, you can get your live stream going.
Go to your YouTube account.
Click on the Create icon and choose Go Live.
You will be taken to your Studio page.
At this point you have turned on your live stream, but it is not live streaming yet.You will see a message in the video box. This is YouTube waiting for you to connect your Online Studio session so live streaming can begin.
Step 4: Get Your Live Stream Key
Your live stream key is what allows Online Studio to connect to your YouTube live stream.
To find your YouTube live stream key:
Go to your YouTube account.
Click on the Create icon and choose Go Live.
You will be taken to your Studio page.At the Stream Settings tab, find the Stream Key field.
At the Stream key field, click on the Copy button
You will see the "Successfully copied to clipboard." message box.
We recommend that you paste and save this key to a document. You will need it when you use the Live Streaming feature in Online Studio (step 6 in this tutorial).
Note: This key is reusable. It will only change if you change it by clicking on the RESET button in the Steam key field.
Step 5: Get your Live Stream URL
The live stream URL is the place where people can view your live stream on YouTube. This is the URL you will want to hand out so people can watch the recital, for example, on YouTube
Because YouTube will change this URL from live stream to live stream, you will need to retrieve it before going live.
To get the live stream URL:
Go to your YouTube account.
Click on the Create icon and choose Go Live.
You will be taken to your Studio page.At the top right of your Studio page, click on the Share (arrow) icon.
This will open up the Share Livestream popup box.
In the Video link box, click on the Copy video link icon.
You will see "Link copied to clipboard" message at the bottom of the page.
Click on the Close button.
We recommend that you paste and save this URL to a document, until you no longer need it.
Step 6: Connect YouTube Live Stream to Online Studio
This is the step where you start your live stream for your audience on YouTube to see. This will connect your YouTube live stream up to your Online Studio session.
In this example, you have already started your Online Studio video conference.
Go to your Nav Bar and click on the More actions icon. This will open up the More actions menu.
Click on Start live stream.
This will open up the Start a live stream popup box.In the Live stream key field, enter in your YouTube live stream key.
Click on the Start live stream button.
You will see a green message box letting you know that live streaming is starting. Give YouTube about 10 seconds to connect up with your Online Studio.
Once YouTube is connected, you will see another green message box letting you know you are live.
There is anywhere from a 3 - 8 second delay between what your Online Studio camera sees and when YouTube will show that. This is a common occurrence with YouTube. This screenshot is showing that the live stream is connected, but delay has not caught up yet.
This screenshot shows that you are now showing live on YouTube. And that there is a 7 second delay, in this example.
You know that you are live on YouTube when you see the word "LIVE" at the top of your Online Studio session.
Step 7: Stop Your Live Stream
When you are done with your live stream, you will need to end it. Stopping the live stream in Online Studio ends it in YouTube.
Go to your Nav Bar and click on the More actions icon.
Click on Stop live stream.
This will open up the Live stream popup box.
Click on the Stop live stream button.
The live stream on YouTube will immediately end. And you will see this green message box letting you know.
YouTube will want you to do a couple of more things. So you will need to head on over there.
The End