Table of Contents
About This Tutorial
Breakout rooms allow you to create separate online rooms for any number of uses. Think of them as additional rooms (sub-rooms) within your main room. As a moderator, only you can add and remove these rooms.
This tutorial shows you how to add and remove breakout rooms.
Add a Breakout Room
Let's say you want to pair up students and put them in different practice rooms. You can use breakout rooms to do that.
Click on the Participants icon in the Nav Bar.
This will open up the Participants panel.
Click on the Add breakout room button.
A breakout room and name will be created for you.
You have created a breakout room.Note: You cannot change the name of a breakout room.
Remove a Breakout Room
Once a breakout room is done being used you can remove it.
Click on the Participants icon in the Nav Bar.
This will open up the Participants panel.
Hover over the breakout room you want to remove, and click on the ... button.
Click on Remove.
The breakout room has now been deleted.