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About This Tutorial
The Practice Log feature allows everyone to keep track of how often and for how long each student practices. Once a practice time is logged, for whatever reason, you can delete it.
You can create, edit, and delete practice logs. This tutorial will show you how to delete practice logs.
Delete a Practice Log
Let's say that you created a practice log under the wrong student. You want to delete it before you enter it again under the correct student.
Click on Students > Practice log.
Make sure you are seeing the entries from the time frame you want.
Note: If you wish to change the time frame, see: Change Practice Log Time Frame tutorial.
In the Active Students (or Former Students) tab, click on the name of the student whos log you want to delete. In this example, we will choose Bach.
In the Practice Log for {student's name} list, select the box next to each log you want to delete.
Click on the Delete Selected Log(s) button.
That log is now deleted.