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All CollectionsVideo Conferencing: Online StudioGetting Started Guide
4 of 5: Letting Students Into the Lesson - Lobby Feature
4 of 5: Letting Students Into the Lesson - Lobby Feature

When your online lesson is ready to start, you can have your students wait in a virtual lobby until you let them in.

Julie Myers avatar
Written by Julie Myers
Updated over 2 years ago

Table of Contents

About This Tutorial

At this point you have seen how to:

  • How to create a Lesson so that it takes place in Online Studio.

  • How to start an Online Studio Lesson.

  • How you invite a student to join.

Next you will see how to let your students into your online lesson room, from the lobby area.

This tutorial shows you how to admitting a student and what that looks like from both the student's and the teacher's end.

Admit Students Into the Room

In this example, the student has just entered the lobby.

Once in the lobby:

  1. Student clicks on the Ask to Join button.

  2. When a student first asks to be let in you will get two notifications:

    (1) You will hear what sounds like a knock on the door. (no visuals, just sound).

    (2) A green message box will pop up.

    Note: Because only one student is asking to be let in, you can click on the Admit text to let them in. Otherwise, you will need to go into the Participants panel.

    If more then one student is waiting to be let in, the green message box will look like this:

  3. To admin your student(s), go to Nav Bar > Participants.


    This will open up the Participants panel.

  4. Click on the Admit button next to each student's name.

  5. Your student(s) will be transported into the room from the lobby.

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