Plaid is constantly working on adding more financial institutions to its offering. If you do not see your financial institution in Plaid, connect your bank of choice with your EarlyBird account through micro-deposit functionality.
Follow these directions below.
Head to your settings in the top left (initials or profile picture)
Edit Payment Details
If you currently have a funding source connected, tap into your funding source then tap Edit > Yes, connect
Search for micro-deposits and select the option to link with account numbers
To verify your account through micro-deposits you will receive a small deposit of $0.01 that starts with a short verification code into the account you've connected
Return to the app to verify the 3 character code.
Please allow 24 hours for the transfers to show up.
Do not try to enter the verification code in the app until you've received the verification deposits in your bank account.
Verify the three character code once you've received the deposit: