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How can I add a moment?
How can I add a moment?

Upload any photo or video with a note to share what made the moment magical, and pair it with a contribution to their future

Ciara avatar
Written by Ciara
Updated over a year ago

Celebrate special moments! Got a fave photo or video of you and the little one? That’s perfect! Feeling tongue-tied? We’ve got prompts to help you out.

Tell your child's story as you grow their portfolio. The moment you add will stay in the child’s nest forever, so that no matter how big that investment gets, it’ll never forget where it came from 😉

Tap the + sign > Tap Add Moment > Select the child who this moment is for > Select the type of Moment > Give the Moment a title > Select your image or video > Add a location > Add a special message > Tag any Nest members who were a part of this Moment > Add moment

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