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How to include your income and expenses in your tax return
How to include your income and expenses in your tax return

How to organise or classify your transactions.

Enzo avatar
Written by Enzo
Updated over a week ago

You can organise the transactions that relate to your self employed* business from the transactions tab in Earnr.

Anything classified as business will be included in your tax return as self-employed* income or expenses. As for income and expenses, Earnr automatically adds up spending separately from the money you receive.

There are 3 opportunities to classify transactions as business on the tax tab so that they are included on your tax return and Earnr Insights.

  1. Transactions since your last log in. Review the transactions you’ve made since you last organised transactions with Earnr.

  2. Search connected accounts, from the Add transactions menu. Search your connected bank account(s) for transactions, select them and classify them as business.

  3. Manually add a transaction, from the Add transactions menu. Manually record an income or expense that wasn’t on your bank statement. More on that here.

You’ll also be asked to select your business transactions when you first connect a bank account to Earnr. At this time, you’ll first be asked to review all the income and then subsequently the expenses. Income and expenses are split here as you might be reviewing a lot of transactions, but rest assured, all classified transactions go to the same place.

*if you told us you’re a landlord, we’ll consider your classified ‘business’ transactions as relating to your property instead.

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