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How to claim working from home expenses
How to claim working from home expenses

Simplified WFH expenses

Enzo avatar
Written by Enzo
Updated over a week ago

If you're full-time self-employed

You can add simplified working from home expenses that relate to your self-employment as a manual transaction in Earnr.

Head to the transactions tab and tap Add a transaction, then choose to Add a manual transaction.

If you're employed and self-employed

To claim working from home expenses on your employment you can do so on the tax tab. Head to the As an employee income page, there's a section titled Expenses my employer didn’t reimburse me for and within there you can enter Other expenses and capital allowances. Include your employment-related working from home expenses there.

Please note

  • When claiming simplified working from home expenses, you should not expense your rent or utilities (gas, electricity, water).

  • You can claim working from expenses on your employment or self-employment, but should never claim more than £312 in total.

How to calculate your working from home expenses.

HMRC allow you to claim up to £26 in expenses per month when working from home. To claim that rate you need to do 101+ hours of self-employed work from home. If you work 51-100 hours a month at home, it's £18, and for 25-50 hours it's £10.


You worked 40 hours from home for 10 months, but worked 60 hours during 2 particular months:

  • 10 months x £10 = £100

  • 2 months x £18 = £36

  • Total you can claim = £136

Example shared under the Open Government Licence v3.0

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