Question Settings
Question Type
Standard: Allow voters to select one or more choices, but not rank them in order of preference.
Ranked: Let voters rank their choices based on their preference.
Weighted Question
Weighted: Assign different weights or voting power to your voters.
Split weights: Allow voters to "split" their weights between multiple choices. This is available only if you allow your voters to make more than one choice on the question.
Note: Weighted questions are optional
Response required
Yes: Require that your voters answer this question.
No: Make this question optional.
Question instructions
Use this field to give your voters more context about the question.
Auto generate: Display a default, editable message for the question instructions.
Choice Type
Single Choice: Restrict your voters to only one choice
Multiple Choice: Allow your voters to make multiple choices. You'll be prompted to specify the number of choices.
Note: Choice type settings will show up after you save your question
Apply Filter
Restrict certain voters to only voting on specific questions within a ballot.
You can also weight a voter based on the filter criteria.
Note: Filtering is optional
To learn how to set up filters, see our article How to Use Filters.