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What’s the difference between Standard and Extended Audio Description?
What’s the difference between Standard and Extended Audio Description?

Standard or Extended? Let’s break it down so you know what’s best.

Edward Aguilar avatar
Written by Edward Aguilar
Updated over 3 months ago

Audio-Descriptions (AD) is required to make visual content accessible to individuals who are blind or have low vision.

There are two primary approaches: Standard AD and Extended AD, each suited for different needs.

1. Standard Audio Description

  • Natural Insertion: Inserts descriptions during natural pauses in the original audio track, keeping the video runtime unchanged.

  • Timing-Sensitive Content: Best for content with minimal visuals or when timing is critical (e.g., interviews or discussions).

  • Limited Details: However, limited pause time may omit key details in visually rich content.

2. Extended Audio Description

  • Detailed Descriptions: Pauses the original audio to insert more detailed descriptions, ensuring all important visuals are conveyed.

  • Ideal for Complex Content: Results in a longer video but is ideal for complex or content-heavy material, such as lectures, lab demonstrations, and event recordings.

  • Comprehensive Understanding: Prioritizes the listener’s full understanding, making it especially effective for higher education.

Why Extended Audio Description is Better for Higher Education

  1. Complex Visuals: Describes intricate details in graphs, charts, and demonstrations thoroughly.

  2. Lecture Clarity: Captures important on-screen elements like annotations and slides.

  3. Event Accessibility: Ensures rich moments in graduations or guest lectures are fully accessible.

  4. Compliance: Aligns with DOJ requirements and demonstrates institutional commitment to inclusivity.

Why we choose Extended by Default

We generate Extended AD by default to provide the most comprehensive experience. While Standard AD is available for specific needs, Extended AD ensures that educational materials meet the highest accessibility standards.

Don't worry, you can also adjust between the two in the Editing Panel.

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