The portfolio builder is found under "Analyse Portfolios" in the blue Edgefolio banner at the top of the page.
There are 2 ways to start:
Start from the Fund Search page: Narrow down your search results using the filters on the left-hand side or, alternatively, highlight some funds by clicking on their fund card. Click "Add to Portfolio" in the top-right of the page. Add the funds to an existing portfolio or start once from scratch.
Start from the "My Portfolios" page: Navigate to "My Portfolios" at the top. From here, select "Create Portfolio" in the top-right and name it, when prompted. To add funds to your portfolio, click on the portfolio's name, open the "Funds" menu on the left and select "Add Funds". Select the '+' to add - here, you can add funds by Keyword. Once added, make sure to "Edit Funds" (on right of "Add Funds" and specify allocations - you can select allocations or weigh equally.
Once you have selected your funds, proceed to add a description to your portfolio, vary the benchmark, risk-free rate and time period to that of your choice. You can backtest your portfolio in any period, as long as the it's after the fund's inception date.
Generate a printable portfolio report in the top-right or at the base of the portfolio page. This is a tidy, condensed view of your portfolio allocations, returns since inception, correlations and risk & return metrics.