Create a Goal and Control
Safety Mojo avatar
Written by Safety Mojo
Updated over a week ago

1. Your menu is on the left side of your home screen.

2. Click "Goals & Controls"

3. Click "Create New Goal & Control"

4. Click the "Goal & Control Name" field and type the name of your Goal and Control.

5. Click the "What is the goal & control?" field to enter a description.

6. Choose the template that best fits your needs. You can choose "Form Completion" or "Daily Login."

7. Click the calendar icon to choose a date for the Goal and Control to begin.

8. Click the number of submissions required to meet the Goal and Control.

9. Choose the tracking period for your your Goal and Control.

10. Click the duration of your Goal and Control.

11. Add the names of any person(s) to watch this goal.

12. Choose how often you want the watcher to be reminded of this Goal and Control.

13. Choose how often you want the participant to be reminded of this Goal and Control.

14. Choose your Incentive and choose who will be tasked with this Goal and Control.

15. To submit, "Create Goal"



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