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Status of the EEVEE Mobility services
What is the status of our services?
What is the status of our services?

Find out about known issues with the app or car brands

Updated over a week ago

An overview of all issues we are aware of regarding the website, car connectivity etc can be found in this article.

Stellantis (Peugeot, Opel, Citroën, Vauxhall, ...)


Since 05/02/2024 new information is entering our systems for Stellantis vehicles. We are still in close contact with them to ensure all is working again as expected.

Data between 29/01/2024 and 06/01/2024 which is not shown in the history of the app is unfortunately lost.


Since 29/01/2024 we notice for many vehicles of Stellantis (Opel, Peugeot, DS, Citroën, ...) we do not receive any data anymore. Because of this we cannot show the realtime status of the vehicle, nor are charging events tracked.

We have notified them about this and they are investigating the issue. At this time we do not have any information about the cause of the issue, but if you are impacted by this issue data since that day is lost and cannot be recovered.

We hope the issue is fixed soon so new information can be retrieved by EEVEE again.

Thanks for understanding.

EEVEE Mobility

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