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Introducing Effective Experiments to your team
Introducing Effective Experiments to your team

We go through the best tips to reduce the friction when convincing your team to use Effective Experiments

Manuel da Costa avatar
Written by Manuel da Costa
Updated over a week ago

So you've created some ideas and experiments and want to show the platform to your team? To get you started, we have a few tips to help you out.

PRO TIP: Do not invite users before you have populated your project with a few ideas and experiments and customised your workflow to match your internal testing processes.

Tip #1 : Make It Official

Getting your team into a new tool can be difficult, but if you help get them started and show them the benefits of what it can bring to your team, you should be able to get a head start on the process.

Next item on the list, introduce Effective Experiments to your team.

  • Schedule a time to get your team together and talk about Effective Experiments.

  • Use this email template to send to your team to start the conversation.

  • Share how you plan to use Effective Experiments.

  • Use our team onboarding template to help explain what Effective Experiments is and why it will be so helpful.

  • Watch one of our demos together.

  • Build your first project and customise it together.

Tip #2: Know your WHY for Effective Experiments

As the power user (and Effective Experiments champion) it’s your job to sell Effective Experiments to your team. You're gonna need some great talking points before reaching out to your team. Here's a few to get you started.

 With Effective Experiments you can:

  • Always keep track of your work and prove the value of your efforts

  • See your team’s entire testing program - ideas, research, experiments and reports in one centralized location.

  • Collaborate with your team via in-app / experiment specific discussion threads (so you don’t lose the crucial details).

  • Build new ideas and track experiments without jumping from tool to tool

  • Plan out months worth of experiments in advance whilst having a full birds eye view all your metrics

  • And prove the ROI of all your efforts with data.

The key here is to focus on your team’s current problems AND position Effective Experiments as the solution.

Possible “Problem” Scenarios 

"I don’t want to have to learn something new." 

Your Kickass Reply ;)
With Effective Experiments (even after the learning curve) you’ll start saving yourself nearly 20 hrs a week. Say goodbye to tedious, mind-numbing email threads and disconnected workflows! 

With Effective Experiments’s integrated platform you can focus on doing more ideation, build more experiments, and show off your great work...not figuring out what the heck you’re working on and spending hours compiling reports! 

"It looks too complicated or technical." 

Your Kickass Reply ;)

Let’s schedule 15 minutes together and walk-through how our team can leverage Effective Experiments...I promise you, this platform is simple and intuitive. 

"I am not involved in experiments." 

Your Kickass Reply ;)
Effective Experiments isn’t only about task workflows. It’s about collaborating as a team, proactively working together and using the insights to grow our company. Even if experiments aren’t your can see what the team are working on and what research is generating valuable inisights

❗️Tip: Need some more help convincing? Send your team How We Can Save 20 Hours a Week.

Tip #3: Demo Effective Experiments’s Key Features

You NEED to teach your team! Get your team together and show them your favourite features.

Here are a few of Effective Experiments' key features.

  • Idea generation & prioritising

  • Experiment logging and automations

  • Integrations with 3rd party tools

  • In-app experiment/idea specific discussions

  • Manage overall workflow in a single dashboard dashboard

Tutorials mean so much more when they come packaged in a customized way. As you demo the workflow, work through one of your current projects to get your team on board and excited; the faster you draw connections to their problems...the sooner Effective Experiments will click for them.  

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