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Pitching Effective Experiments To Your Boss
Pitching Effective Experiments To Your Boss
Manuel da Costa avatar
Written by Manuel da Costa
Updated over a week ago

So you’re convinced Effective Experiments is THE tool for you. You’ve done the research, you’ve set up your workflows and experiments…

You’ve got your team fired up and now you’re ready to get some REAL work done.

Only problem: convincing your boss to hand over that company card — willingly :)

While you might see Effective Expreiments as your personal LIFESAVER, convincing your boss that it’s worth the coin, may take a bit more finesse. Thankfully, as a marketer, you have a knack for selling and this scenario is no different.

But, before you put together any presentation or documents to share with your stakeholder that will make the final decisions / sign of on the budget, you must do something.

Avoid mentioning one particular statement on all costs

"Project management"

Yes. Effective Experiments is a project management solution in a manner of speaking but it is more niche and unique for your requirements as a CRO and it can do a lot more than the standard pm tools like Trello, Google sheets, Asana etc.

But using that term to sell your boss on the idea tends to frame the conversation based on what they might be familiar with - the tools the organisation already uses.

In order to sell Effective Experiments to your boss, you gotta’ speak in terms they care about: money, time, and results.


Your time as a Conversion Optimizer is valuable, and as a highly skilled individual with intelligent, analytical, and highly sought after skills, energy spent on mundane, repetitive tasks are a time suck.

According to Mckinsey reports, the average worker spends 28% of their work week managing emails, plus an additional 20% looking for internal information or tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks.

That’s nearly half of your week spent trying to coordinate on a project!? This is time you could’ve spent actually moving forward on your experiments, researching your users and creating a winning culture in your organization.

Mini Exercise for Your Boss:

Imagine a world where….

You eliminate information silos (and hours of unnecessary meetings)….

You easily share ideas, experiments, research and project details with everyone on the team (never missing an important detail because someone forgot to hit “reply all” or the file simply “disappeared”)…

And you get more experiments coordinated, executed and implemented done wicked fast, driving higher conversions 

Too good to be true?… think again.

With Effective Experiments, all your collaboration happens in ONE PLACE. You can eliminate the email threads, multiple files shared in multiple tools, and keep everyone on the same page…

…literally saving you 20 hours, EVERY week.

That’s 20 hours you can utilize to:

  • Run more research on our customers to generate new ideas

  • Run more brainstorming sessions

  • Spend time educating the wider org about experimentation mindset (so we can be more like Amazon, Netflix, Airbnb & Skyscanner with an experimentation first culture)

  • Execute more experiments

The point is, by saving time on the mechanics, you give yourself (and your team) the ability to work on what MATTERS, move projects forward, and SHIP faster.

🗣Key Talking Point #1: Effective Experiments saves you (and your company) 20 hours every week. Thus, freeing you up to do REAL work and make a serious impact on your company’s bottom line.

#2 Effective Experiments Pays for Itself

Here are the $$$ facts for Effective Experiments…

  1. You could manually log all your ideas in a spreadsheet, then use a powerpoint to create an experiment brief, and then store the results in a different sheet and then hook up with trello to send reminders creating a huge tangle of tools OR you could use Effective Experiments' automated notifications, reporting and dashboards to do all the heavy lifting 

  2. You could manually put together Monday morning briefs and reply to emails whenever someone asks you a question or needs information about certain experiments etc OR you can give them access to Effective Experiments where they can self serve and find any information they need. Monday morning briefs can be more focussed on conversations that spending hours putting reports together.

  3. And lastly, you could use a spreadsheet as your experimentation documents and email threads as your collaboration tool. OR you could use Effective Experiments to organize all your work - every project, every insight, idea and experiment in one place, communicate with your team, and show progress of your work really easily. (again, saving you almost 48% of your work week).

Now, the time you spend on these items above may differ, but even if we take a conservative number of let’s say, 8 hours (1 hour of putting together reports, 1 hour being disturbed for information thats locked away in multiple systems, and 5 hours of collaboration, planning, and organizing every week)…

We have created a business ROI case so you can see the return on investment.

Here's a handy spreadsheet where you can plug in some numbers and get an output that justifies your company's investment.

#3 High Velocity Growth Teams are using Effective Experiments

Skyscanner along with 100s of other top CRO teams in organisations world wide use Effective Experiments.

Skyscanner often quoted as the "gold standard" organisation in terms of testing uses Effective Experiments to manage their high velocity testing program.

Be Empowered

You know Effective Experiments will get you organized. You know consistency, structure, and automating the manual work is what sets the stage for 10x growth. And now you have the stats to prove it.

Remember, you’re a rock star marketer and selling is your forte. Get inside your boss’ head and speak their language: money, time, and results.

It's time to say good bye to clunky spreadsheets, outdated powerpoints or {{insert the tools you use here}}

Good luck

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