Goal Manager

defining standardised goals and naming conventions for metrics

Manuel da Costa avatar
Written by Manuel da Costa
Updated over a week ago

The Goal manager is a feature that allows you to create standardised rules and taxonomy for reporting on metrics and goals.

Goals are metrics you would report on in your Experiment.

The Goal manager is a powerful feature because it prevents mismanagement of goal namings and incorrect metric.

Any metric you set up in the goal manager is available for use in the project's experiments.

Only the admin has access to the goal manager and is responsible for creating, managing and cleaning up the goals in there.

To access the Goal Manager, visit Project Settings > Project Governance > Project Metrics & Goals

Creating a new goal

You will now be presented with a screen to enter the Goal Name and select the Goal Type and the Success Criteria

Set the Goal type that best describes the goal.

Select the success criteria

When a variation shows an increase in the metric when compared to the control, that is a positive change.

eg. Add to cart or Checkout or Registrations

When a variation shows an decrease in the metric when compared to the control, that is a negative change. A negative change is considered good. See the example below.

eg. Unsubscribes. a lower rate of unsubscribes is more desireable.

How to Use These Goals When Creating Experiments

You've now setup your reusable goals but what does this mean? Well, this means that you can now choose from a list of predefined goals when creating a new experiment. This is how it works:

  • When creating an experiment, the Events, Visits/Conversions and Revenue goals will have a respective list of predefined goals for each goal type,

  • Simply select a goal in the list and proceed.

What if you can't find a goal you're looking for?

No worries! If you start typing in the input, next to the selected goal, your list of predefined goals will appear. If nothing matches your search, you'll have the ability to create a new goal at the spot. This will trigger the same process and you'll be prompted to

  • Choose your Goal Type,

  • Select the Success Criteria and proceed.


NOTE : This only works if the admin allows anyone to create new goals. If you've restricted permissions to only master and admin users, a banner will appear for users without permissions, prompting them to reach out to an admin to create new goals


What This Means for Your Experiments and Reports

The biggest benefit of the goal manager is to prevent having a long list of similar goals. In addition to that, another great perk is the Success Criteria which will allow you to indicate when a negative change is successful.

This means your experiment results will now show a Green status for experiments that have a successful negative change.

This will also be indicated on your generated reports!

Some Useful Things to Know

  • All your existing goals will be automatically added to this list,

  • You can change the success criteria of any goal,

  • You won't be able to merge or delete goals that are connected to existing experiments (This is to keep the integrity of your data in tact). Simply contact us if you want to make changes

Happy Experimenting!

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