Ideas & Hypothesis

Overview of Ideas & Hypothesis section; how to add/edit/move/delete /prioritise ideas

Manuel da Costa avatar
Written by Manuel da Costa
Updated over a week ago

Ideas & Hypothesis

There are three ways of adding an idea; linked to a piece of research/observation, spontaneous or crowdsourced (for crowdsourced please see article relating)

How to Add an Idea

How to Add an Idea Linked to Research/Observation

How to Prioritise an Idea:

Prioritisation is a useful method to track ideas and decide which ones should be tested on first!

There are several models, as standard Effective Experiments uses the ‘PIE” model, which stands for:

Potential – what is the potential for this idea
Impact – what impact will this have
Ease – how easy will it be to test

*Each section to be marked out of 10

How to Edit an Idea

How to Duplicate/Delete/Archive an Idea:

How to Move an Idea Within the Kanban or Move an Idea to Testing

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