Templates & Workflows

An overview of the templates functionality; how to set up templates

Manuel da Costa avatar
Written by Manuel da Costa
Updated over a week ago

What are Templates?

Governance and guardrails are the cornerstone of Effective Experiments in the drive to create standardised experimentation processes for our users.

Templates define everything about your research, your ideation & your experimentation workflows.

They are used across the platform to define the information required for each step in the experimentation process. Each template is completely customisable and can be used specifically within each project to aid to workflow for each team/user engaged in the project.

The main benefit being consistency across your experimentation process for all users; ensuring the information input is accurate; thus increasing your ability to analyse the output.

There are 4 main templates in a project

  1. The Research Template

  2. The Idea Management Tempalte

  3. The Experiment Template

  4. The Report Template

How to access Templates

Templates are only accessible by Project Admins and Master Users. If you are a user or viewer, you will not have access to this.

The different templates are accessible in the tabs

(INTERACTIVE DEMO) Want an interactive way of learning how templates work?

Experiment Templates

How to Create a New Experiment Template:

How to add a new field

How to change placeholder text:

How to change helper text:

Change the order of the fields:

How to change the name of a field:

How to make a field mandatory:

How to add a new info block:

Idea Templates

Templates are used across the platform to define the information required for each step in the experimentation process. Each template is completely customisable and can be used specifically within each project to aid to workflow for each team/user engaged in the project.

How to access idea templates:

How to add a new idea template

How to change the idea tabs (kanban columns)

How to add a new idea field:

How to change name of an idea field:

How to delete an idea field:

How to change name of a prioritisation field:

How to change the type of prioritisation field:

How to add a new prioritisation field:

How to change the calculation of the prioritisation score

Report Templates

Reports are a handy tool to display and process your insights, findings and data from the experiments. They’re sharable to internal and external stakeholders and can be strong ways to display your work visually.

How to access report templates

How to add a new report template

How to add new information block:

How to add new field:

How to edit text format:

Research Templates

Research is arguably the most important section of Effective Experiments as it’s where the majority of ideas and experiments will originate.

It’s best practise to ensure the research template is set up for each project to ensure consistent and reliable data/insights.

How to access research templates:

How to add a new research template:

How to add a custom field

How to change the type of research field:

How to change placeholder text:

How to change helper text:

How to change the name of a field:

How to change the order of fields:

How to make a field mandatory:

Experiment Status’

Experiment statuses are the stages of your experimentation process, defined by the columns within your Kanban.

Each column can be named, ordered and have a threshold (maximum of days allowed for action to be completed). This is extremely useful for tracking, maintaining and fine-tuning your experimentation process, as it provides superb visibility.

How to access experiment status’:

How to add a new status:

How to change the colour of the status:

How to change the order of the status’:

How to change the threshold of a status:

Research Statuses

Experiment statuses are the stages of your experimentation process, defined by the columns within your Kanban.

Each column can be named, ordered and have a threshold (maximum of days allowed for action to be completed). This is extremely useful for tracking, maintaining and fine-tuning your experimentation process, as it provides superb visibility.

How to access research status’:

How to add a new status:

How to change colour of status:

How to change the order of status:

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