In this article we'll take a closer look at Watchtower, how to get started and how you can use it to your advantage. Below is a list of what we'll cover in this article:
Watchtower Overview
Watchtower is a browser extension that, once configured, shows you all live experiments running on your websites or client websites in real time.
How Watchtower Works
Using certain data from your Effective Experiments accounts, Watchtower is able to detect where experiments are currently running. It does so by looking at the following:
Your instance details (explained later in this article)
Your specified domain to check for experiments ie.
One or multiple Effective Experiments projects
Your experiments you've created within Effective Experiments that are in Live column
Specified URLS that are mapped to the Page Categories/Types you've assigned to each experiment
Once your setup is complete, Watchtower will check for experiments with page categories/types that are mapped to the specified URLS.
Setup & Manage Instances
An instance represents a website, product or page. This is typically specified as a single domain ie. It is always pointed to the main URL and should exclude any sub-pages.
Setup Experiment Tracking
Once an instance is setup, you can start mapping URLs to the various pages on your specified domain. You can do this by mapping Page Types/Categories to the relevant URLs on your website. See examples below:
Home Page >
Product, PLP >
You can map multiple page types to a single URL as you might have different page types representing the same page.
Once you've specified and mapped your URLs, you will see a counter indicating how many experiments you're expected to see on that page. This uses
Watchtower In Action
Visit Watchtower browser extension and login to proceed. You can authenticate using 2 methods:
Using access key - Only for users that don't have any access to Effective Experiments
Using Effective Experiments Credentials - If you have an Effective Experiments account, you can only login with your details, not the token.
Once you're logged in, start navigating between your specified pages and see the browser extension will indicate experiments running on the various pages.
You can download the extension here
Track & Analyse Overall Engagement
To track the overall engagement of users concerning the browser extension, you can do this in 2 ways:
Watchtower Instances Page
Tracks the activity of all your internal Effective Experiments users. This list will include all the users that used their Effective Experiments details to login
Watchtower Single Instance Overview Page
Tracks the activity of any external users. This list will include all the users that don't have access to Effective Experiments and used the provided access token to login to the browser extension.