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Integrating With Kameleoon
Brendin du Plessis avatar
Written by Brendin du Plessis
Updated over 6 months ago

In this article, we'l take a closer look at the Kameleoon integration and all the things you need to know when starting out. Here's what we'll cover:

Web Experimentation

Kameleoon Integration is currently limited to web experiments only. Feature Experimentation will be released in a future update

Basic Integration Overview


To connect the Kameleoon integration, you need to fill in your client ID and Client Secret

If you don't know where to get your credentials, you can follow this link to find your Kameleoon details:


Once your connection is active, when creating experiment, you'll have the option to either create one from scratch or import an experiment from Kameleoon.

πŸ” Kameleoon doesn't provide a way to search through experiments during the importing phase. This means you'll have to scroll through the list of experiments to find the one you're looking for.

When you choose to import an experiment, you'll be prompted to map the Kameleoon goals to Effective Experiments goals. This is due to the goal differences between Kameleoon an Effective Experiments. See the Dynamic Goals vs Fixed Goals here

Once you've mapped your goals, you can proceed and your experiment will be imported & linked to Kameleoon.

🎯 To avoid confusion, we recommend you checkout the following section to understand the difference how Kameleoon handles goals & results compared to Effective Experiments


To ensure your Kameleoon experiment is up to date within Effective Experiments, you can simply hit sync and you'll be guided through the syncing process.

The merging will consist of multi-step process in where you have to complete the relevant mapping and value selections.

You will have to map the following fields:

  • Test Details Information: Choose desired values

  • Goal Mapping: Choose how you want to map Kameleoon goals to Effective Experiments and choose which naming convention you want to keep

  • Variation Mapping: Choose how you want to map your variations and also choose which naming convention you want to keep,

  • Segments: Choose which set of segments you want to keep

Integration Disabled

🚨 If you have forgotten your Kameleoon Credentials and you generate new details from Kameleoon's side, that will render the connection within Effective Experiments disabled until you've update it to the latest details

If by any chance, someone changes your Kameleoon Credentials on Kameleoon's side, the integration will be rendered disabled on Effective Experiments.

To get your integration to work again, you'll need to update your Kameleoon Credentials in Project Settings. Once you've updated your details to the correct ones, your integration will proceed to work as before. If you don't know the credentials, you can ask your team or alternatively generate a new key. See more about credentials here:

πŸ“š If the integration is disabled, you won't lose any of your data or connection. Once it's restored, everything will work as it used to before, keeping all previously connected experiments and everything

Dynamic Goals Vs Fixed Goals

πŸ’‘ Kameleoon tracks all metrics at all times, meaning there are no clearly defined goal types when it comes to results.

Kameleoon is not restricted to a single goal type meaning it's tracking all the possible fields and results during the course of the experiment. Effective Experiments uses set goals that each represent a combination of predefined fields. When you choose goals during import, you'll be asked to map a Kameleoon goal to a clearly defined Effective Experiments goal type. See the mapping below


Effective Experiments

Dynamic goal types

Conversion Rate

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Total Revenue

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Revenue Per Day

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Revenue Per Visit

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Revenue Per Conversion

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Events Per Conversion

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Unique Conversions Per Visitor

EE auto-maps relevant fields

Organic Traffic

EE auto-maps relevant fields


How the mapping works

Effective Experiments auto-maps the values to the goal you've chosen to report on, meaning you won't lose out on all the other metrics. If you later choose to map your experiment results to different goals types, you'll still have those additional fields data that have not been mapped.

See the mapping diagram below:

Understanding Goal Mapping

Basic goal values


Effective Experiments


Total Visitors


Unique Visitors


Unique Conversions

Conversion Count



No mapping


Total Revenue


Conversion Rate


Revenue Per Visit


Revenue Per Visitor



No mapping


Effective Experiments does not yet support any time-based goals. To see a detailed breakdown of how Kameleoon fields are mapped to Effective Experiments predefined goal types, checkout the following article: Complete Kameleoon Goal Mapping

Metric Types


Effective Experiments


Primary Metric

Not supported. Auto-assigns secondary

Secondary Metric

Not supported. Auto-assigns secondary

Guardrail Metric

Not supported. Auto-assigns secondary

Monitoring Metric

Kameleoon has the concept of isMainGoal which is similar to Effective Experiments' primary metric. Any other goal that's imported will automatically be classified as secondary as the other types are not yet supported within Kameleoon.

Success Criteria


Effective Experiments

Positive change

Positive Success Change

Negative success not supported

Negative Success Change

Positive success: Variation results higher than baseline ie. increased revenue

Negative success: Variation results lower than baseline ie. reduced cart abandonment

Due to Kameleoon not supporting negative success all their goals will be positive success by default. The best recommendation is to manage your negative success goals as standalone Effective Experiments goals meaning you should not map it to any Kameleoon goal or else it will be overwritten to positive success.

Feature Experimentation

Coming soon!

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