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Slack Integration
Brendin du Plessis avatar
Written by Brendin du Plessis
Updated over 4 months ago

In this article, we'll take a closer look at how you can setup and use Slack to maximise the visibility and accessibility of your experimentation efforts! Here's what we'll cover:

🚨 Private Channels are not available for selection by default. In order to connect to a private Slack channel, you will need to add the Effective Experiments app to that channel first. See how you can do that below

Setting Up Slack

πŸ”’ Only Master & Admin users will be able to setup the Slack integration via Project Settings. Any user/viewer role won't be able to do this.

Step 1 - Authorise Slack

To get started with Slack, simply follow the next steps:

  • Head over to Project Settings > Integrations > Slack

  • Click on Connect Slack

  • This will take you to the authorisation screen to connect your Slack with Effective Experiments

Once the authorisation is completed, you'll firstly be redirected to Effective Experiments where you'll see that Slack is authorised but that you need to choose a channel.

Step 2 - Choose Channel

To select a channel, visit Slack and look for the notification received from Effective Experiments. This will typically be seen right at the bottom of your channels under Apps.

Once you've clicked on Select Channel, Slack will fetch all your available channels and you can pick one from the list

Done! You should now be able to receive updates directly within your Slack!

Step 3 - Choose Which Updates to Receive

Choose which updates you'd like to share with your customers. By default when you setup a channel, all available updates will be sent to your connected Slack channel. You can change the notification preferences at any time. Simply follow the next steps:

  • Head over to Project Settings > Integrations > Slack

  • On the Updates Preferences panel, click on the "..." to access sharing preferences. This will allow you to choose what you want to share.

Setting Up Private Channels

🚨 You will need to repeat this process for each private Slack channel you want to connect to Effective Experiments

To gain access to a private channel when setting up the Slack integration, you need to ensure that the Effective Experiments app has been added to the private channel in question.

Add Effective Experiments to Your Channel

Go to your Slack account. Open the private channel that you would like to use with the integration. Using the @-mention, enter @effectiveexperiments and hit enter. You'll be asked whether you'd like to invite Effective Experiments to the channel. Simply hit "Invite them". Now your private channel will be available in the list when you setup your Slack integration

Now that your private channel was added, you can proceed to the next steps, see the detailed setup steps in the first section.

Changing Channels

To change the channel where you want to receive updates, simply follow the next steps:

  • Head over to Project Settings > Integrations > Slack

  • On the Slack Channel panel, click on the "..." to choose a new channel. Once you click on this, you'll receive the notification from Effective Experiments again, asking you to choose a channel. To see how this works, refer to the instructions above

Should you decide against changing channels, simply ignore the channel selector prompt in your Slack and everything will continue to work.

All Available Slack Updates

Here's a list of all the updates you can expect to receive within Slack


New research card created

Updates made to status

Ideas & Hypothesis

New idea card created

Updates made to status


New experiment card created

Updates made to status


Comment added to research observation

Comment added to ideas card

Comment added to experiments card

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