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Add Items to the Catalog
Add Items to the Catalog

Topics covered: Creating catalog items, Add item to catalog.

Updated yesterday

If you haven't already, we strongly recommend reviewing Division, Type, & Sub-Type for clarity on how the Catalog is structured. There are 2 ways to add Items to the Catalog:

  1. Add Items with the Chrome Plugin - to add Items fast, download the plugin!

Adding an Item to the Catalog

To add an Item using the +Item button, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to the Catalog at the top of your screen.

Step 2: Choose a Division and Type from the drop-down lists on the left.

Step 3: Click the +Item button.

Step 5: In the New item details box, click to add photos and fill in any details you want included. The blue Manage attributes allows you to add more attribute fields.

Note: If the manufacturer is not already in the Catalog, you will be prompted to add them by clicking the Create New popup.

Step 6: Click Save. The Item will now appear in your Catalog search.

Adding an Item Using the Chrome Plugin

To add an Item using the chrome plugin Clipp'd, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Navigate to the Catalog tab at the top of your screen.

Step 2: Click the 'Add Item' button.

Step 3: Select 'Get it now' from the banner at the bottom of your screen.

Step 4: For Mac users - Once you have downloaded the plugin, pin the plugin to your browser by selecting the puzzle piece icon at the top of your browser and clicking the pin icon next to the Clipp'd plugin.

Step 5: Now that you have the plugin in place, navigate to the manufacturer or supplier's website of your choice, and click the plugin icon on your browser to open the plugin.

You will see the plugin appear on the right hand side of your screen.

Step 6: Every field with the below icon can be populated by clicking the icon inside the attribute field, and then clicking the corresponding details on the website.

For example, click into the create new image box in the plugin, and then click the image on the website to add the image to the new Catalog listing.

Step 7: Click Add Item. The Item will now appear in your Catalog search, where it will now be searchable by anyone in your Org.

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