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Learn how to configure your payment gateway for credit card payments.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a week ago (SIM) is a credit card processing merchant that allows for online card payments through Eventsforce. Eventsforce has an existing integration with, therefore all that is required is an account with A different account can be used for each event in Eventsforce.

In order to accept online credit card payments via the payment gateway, the “ (SIM)” gateway must be included as part of your Eventsforce license. For more information, please contact your account manager or

Getting Started

You will first need to contact directly and obtain a merchant account. This can be done through the website. will provide a username and password for logging into their Merchant Interface. You can log into by visiting the Merchant Interface and entering your Username and Password.

Adding relay response URL

Effective August 15, 2019, requires that a relay response URL be added to your account.  If no relay response URL is added, the transactions will fail. Each client will have a unique URL, as the URL uses the domain and account names. 

The format of the relay response URL is:


The “domainName” is the customer's custom account domain OR "" without the quotes and “accountName” is customer's account name. 

Note: If using a custom account domain, use your custom domain instead of “” for the ‘domainName’. 

Add the relay response URL by taking the following steps:

  1. Log into the merchant interface (

  2. Click on “Account” in the top right hand corner

  3. Select “Relay response” in the ‘Transaction Format Settings’ section

  4. Enter the full URL

  5. Click “Save”

Obtaining credentials

In order to link your account with your Eventsforce event, you will need these two pieces of information:

  • API Login ID

  • Transaction Key

These credentials can be found in using the steps below:

  1. Log into the merchant interface (

  2. Click on “Account” in the top right hand corner

  3. Click “API Credentials and Keys “ under the 'General Security settings' section

Your ‘API Login ID’ will be displayed on the page. For security reasons, you cannot view your ‘Transaction Key’. Instead, you must generate a new one. To do this you will need the ‘Secret Answer’ to the system-generated ‘Secret Question’. An API Login ID will be a 12 digit string of characters and number, for example “u8YNx36lpS21”.

Eventsforce event setup and configuration

Once you have obtained your 'API Login ID' and 'Transaction Key' from the merchant interface, you can then enter those credentials into Eventsforce. These credentials must be entered for each event that should be linked to this specific account. credentials do not copy when cloning an event. The following steps need to be taken in your event:

  1. Go to Setup > Finance > Payment Methods

  2. Select the “ (SIM)” radio button and click “Save”, this will populate the settings

  3. Select “Live Transactions”, choose your currency, then enter the API Login ID as well as the Transaction Key

  4. Click “Save”

Note: You may choose to set your account to “Test mode” for testing. While in “Test” mode, submitted transactions are not actually processed. To switch to “Test” mode, log into the merchant account, navigate to “Account”, then select “Test Mode” in the ‘Security Settings’ area. 

The (SIM) gateway is now linked to Eventsforce. Additional testing is strongly recommended to ensure a successful integration.

Testing (SIM) gateway in Eventsforce

When testing through Eventsforce, you will need to go through a live registration on the event website:

  1. Click the “+” icon in the top left, then select “Registration” to proceed through an admin registration OR use the “Preview and Test Event Website” icon to be directed to the event website and register as an attendee

  2. Proceed through all registration steps until you reach the “Basket checkout page”

  3. Select “Credit card” as the payment method, and click “Pay Now”

  4. You should then be redirected to to fill out the credit card details form

  5. Once you have completed payment, you will be redirected back to Eventsforce and shown the default Eventsforce receipt

If an error message is encountered during this process, you can search for the error message for more information in the knowledge base.

Note: If you are not directed to the page after clicking “Pay Now”, your credentials may be incorrect. If the credit card payment failed, you can learn more about why in our “Why did the credit card payment fail?” article.

Test Credit Card Numbers

For your reference, you can use the following test credit card numbers when testing your payment gateway. The expiration date must be set to the present date or later:

  • American Express Test Card: 370000000000002

  • Discover Test Card: 6011000000000012

  • Visa Test Card: 4007000000027

  • Second Visa Test Card: 4012888818888

  • JCB: 3088000000000017

  • Diners Club/ Carte Blanche: 3800000000000

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