How to use booths in the Eventsforce mobile app

Learn how booths can be used in your event app.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a week ago

Booths can be added to the MCM and linked to Exhibitors. Exhibitor booths can then be displayed on an interactive floor plan viewed by attendees in your event app. 

The first step in this process is adding a location, then adding booths to that location. Once locations and booths are created, you can then link ‘Exhibitors’ to a booth so that exhibitor appears on an interactive map. 

Adding a location

Before booths can be created, we must create a location. A location is generally where your event is taking place (example: Wenlock Conference Center). Take the below steps to create a new location. 

  1. Go to the MCM dashboard

  2. Click the “Location & Room Setup” module

  3. Use the “+” icon in the top right to create a new location

  4. Add the location name, address, city, and state

  5. Click “Save & Next >>”

Adding a booth

Once a location has been created, you can now begin adding booths that will be placed in that location. Each booth must be given a number for identification. Add booths by taking the below steps:

  1. Click the “Location & Room Setup” module within the MCM Dashboard

  2. Click to ‘edit’ the location in which booths will be added

  3. Click the “Booths” tab OR click “Skip” until you reach the ‘Booths’ tab

  4. Click the “+” in the top right to create a new booth

  5. Give a booth number (to be used later when adding booths to a map)

  6. Enable “Allow sharing” if more than one exhibitor can be assigned to this booth

Adding booths to an interactive map

Once booths have been created in the MCM, the next step involves building an interactive map where booths can be added. Please view our support article about adding maps for more information. 

Note: Be sure your interactive map is configured to display “Booths” rather than “Rooms”.

The below steps are to be taken after the interactive map has been added:

  1. Go to the “Maps” module within the MCM dashboard

  2. Click to “Edit” the interactive map that exists

  3. Click the green “+” icon in the top right of the map to add a new interactive area (an interactive area is a booth)

  4. The booth will be added to the ‘Map Image Areas’ below the map

  5. Assign the interactive area to a place on the floorplan by clicking once in the top left of the booth area, then finish by clicking in the bottom right of the booth area

  6. Once the interactive area is created, use the dropdown in the ‘Map image Areas’ to assign the proper booth number

  7. Repeat steps 3-7 for until all booths have been added

Linking exhibitors to booths (interactive map)

Once all booths have been created and added to the interactive map, the next step involves linking exhibitors to booths. Follow the steps below to link exhibitors to booths:

  1. Go to the “Exhibitors” module from the MCM dashboard

  2. Click to ‘edit’ an exhibitor

  3. Click the “Booths” tab at the top (OR click ‘next’ until the ‘Booths’ tab is reached)

  4. Check one or multiple booths to link to the exhibitor

  5. Click “Save & Next”

  6. Click “Save & Finish”

Note: You must “Publish” the changes to your event app before attendees can view exhibitor booths on the interactive map.

Viewing booths as an attendee

Attendees will now be able to view the interactive map for your exhibitor floor plan, and select a booth to see which exhibitor belongs to it. Alternatively, attendees can view the exhibitor profile, determine their booth number, and find the location on the map. 

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