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Team panel

In the team panel you get an overview of the planned hours and the sick reports of your team members.

Updated over a week ago

In the Team panel you find the scheduled hours of team members and sick reports. You find this window by clicking on 'Planning' at the top and then in the top right corner on 'Team panel'.

Scheduled hours

In this overview you see the scheduled hours or the amount of scheduled days per team member per week. Which of the two you see depends on the contract type. You can use the contract filter at the bottom.

If a team member has a fixed hour contract, you will see the scheduled number of hours and the contract hours. You can also see their overtime balance. If you click on their name, you also get to see the shifts of that week for that person.

For all the other contracts, you will see the scheduled number of days compared to the desired amount of days this team member wants to work this week. You also see the amount of scheduled hours.

Sick reports

If a team member is sick, you can report this here. You will see the active sick reports and sick reports from the past. You can report someone sick by selecting a team member and picking the date. Once this person is no longer sick, you can add the end date.

By reporting someone sick, this will be reflected by an emoji ๐Ÿค’ next to the team member in the schedule.

โš ๏ธ Note: This does not affect the time registration of sick hours. Read more about sickness in the time registration here.

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